Between Terminal C & E there is a food court. In the back, you'll find Pappasitos where you can get AWESOME breakfast and fajitas later in the day. Highly recommend--real local Tex-Mex.
Relax @ le grand comptoir: my husband thinks the food is ropey & the wine is pedestrian, but I think the atmosphere & wine are lovely! Have a glass of sparkling to feel like royalty before you fly!
This is a great airport. All the people are honest and kind. Need proof? Once I left my phone in a toilet stall and someone mailed it back to me. No further questions your honor.
ALWAYS book your international conecting flight more than 2 hrs... the immigration line is INSANE sometimes ... free wifi .. welcome to the friendly skies ✈️
Still one of my favorite connection airports. Much easier to maneuver than Atlanta or Charlotte. One of 4 airports that Baton Rouge connects in and out of.
Good airport, friendly staff. Unitedlounge by gate C is great. From the UK watch out if you need to take money out as the ATMs aren't compatible with UK chip and pin cards.
My mother has bad knees and can't walk long and the people here have been lovely and helpful. We got a ride all the way from our check in to the gate and help through security.
Recommended: If you've just travelled from Chicago and you have a son called Kevin, then please make sure that he's with you. If not, he's probably in NY fending off burglars at your house.
Better than Dallas Fort Worth by far. Better facilities, better food, better services. United is way more punctual than American, their planes are in better shape, they have free messaging wifi, etc.
If u are heading on vacation and want to get some drinks at the airport. Go on ebay and get a presidents club pass. You can get two for about $46. We all know airport drinks cost $
Welcome to Houston - home of the 2011 AFC South champion Houston Texans! Come see us at Reliant Stadium for a game, or stop by the Go Texan Store to check out the largest collection of team gear.
As much as I hate to admit it I like this airport. Easy to get around and in my experience flights run on time. Never started here, always been a layover.
huge airport. you have to take a little train between terminals so a short layover has the potential to be stressful. there are lots of good food options
In terminal b they don't use the PA system. Get to your gate early and stand as close to the door as possible if you don't want to miss your flight. Also, united overbooked every flight.
Plenty of good restaurants and stores in Terminal E. If you have a long layover between flights, worth taking the tram to Terminal E to check it out (if you're not flying out of Terminal E already).
When you check in at terminal C for United/ Continental flights you will most likely have to take the airporttrain to go to terminal B. Make sure to leave extra time for check in and transportation!
Most overused phrase here, "Watch the cart, cart coming through, watch the cart!" -- sometimes with a please. Really a lot of idiots...I hope they hit someone and have a huge payout. Reckless people!
Everything is bigger in Texas, so factor in extra time to get to your gate - this place is huge! Download the airport mobile app here:
If Flying with united - come early - long lines even at 5am. Kiosk check in only for those who travel with carry on only. Of traveling domestic - use curbside: less people and faster check in.
A newly opened Terminal B is such a huge upgrade from an old dumptrailer park terminal! A nice job! Only wish the indoor temp is 5 deg warmer! FREEZING!
Boingo Wireless offered here for a price, but Google Play is offering a promotion giving you 45 minutes FREE! And you can keep signing in after time is up. Do it.
Have you signed up for our IAH Terminal E Thanks Again program? Shop, Eat & Earn more Miles with all your purchases! Enroll for free at
George Bush Intercontinental Airport is the 8th busiest airport in the U.S. and offers service to more Mexican destinations than any other airport in the nation.