Djaniella D.: "See a line? Worth the wait. I can't even explain how delicious their ice cream is. Grab a Trio with dark chocolate, salted caramel, and intelligentsia black cat espresso."
Scheyla Tancredo: "Food is delicious and the dishes are huge. The general manager or owner, I’m not sure, is very friendly. We even got a beer on the house. Definitely coming back when I’m town next time :)"
Josh Weiss: "Pretty much anything playing here, from film festivals to traveling Broadway shows, concerts & The Nutcracker, is great. The building itself is magnificent inside and out. See what's playing & go!"
Kaitlin: "Cool shops and restaurants, and lots more coming in. Plus it's right off the Beltline. A very cool addition to ATL, much like NYC's Chelsea Market, Boston's Public Market, and Seattle's Pike Place."
Annalise Carmack: "The outdoor seating area is one of the best I've been to. It's like a giant screened-in porch complete with swinging porch beds and a water feature. Grab a mocha Chilly Goat and relax!"
NupeKidd .: "A beautifully magnificent facility! They have done an excellent job of making sure the fan experience is top notch from the view, to the vending services, everything is first class."
Vasha Hunt: "Great food pricing, very little restricted access and lots of escalators to access other levels; yes CFA is closed Sundays but there are lots of events on weekdays and college football some Saturdays"
Josh Weiss: "The dumplings from Gu's are my favorite. Yalla has delicious Shwarma & Hop City=Great for brews...+ many more options in a great urban space--go for lunch with a group, everyone gets what they want!"
Eater: "With a line of incredible artisan cooks, the Krog Street Market is a destination for anyone visiting Atlanta. Flavors range from Gu's spicy dumplings to the homely flavors of The Little Tart Bakeshop."