Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Moscow to go with friends:

  • 9.5


    Sports Bar ТЦ «Южный» Москва, Москва

    People also say (19 tips):

    • Ash S.
      Ash Statue: "Место нашлось случайно. Достойная кухня, хороший выбор пива, и главное, могут по вашей просьбе включить у вашего столика любой канал, чтобы вы смотрели именно тот матч, ради которого пришли."
  • 9.4


    Sports Bar ТЦ «Ковчег» Москва, Москва

    People also say (27 tips):

    • Банк Русский Стандарт
      Банк Русский Стандарт: "При оплате кaртами Visa и MasterCаrd Банка Русский Стандарт - скидка 10% (не суммируется с другими). О желании воспользоваться скидкой предупредите официанта заранее."
  • 9.4

    BeauMonde Lounge (Бомонд Лаунж)

    Hookah Bar Никольская ул., 25 Москва, Москва

    People also say (21 tips):

    • H & N
      H & N: "Best shisha and view,, you can find it in the mall opposite to St.Regis hotel in 5th floor"
  • 9.2

    Большой зал Консерватории им. П. И. Чайковского

    Concert Hall Большая Никитская ул., 13/6 Москва, Москва

    People also say (109 tips):

    • Pavel M.
      Pavel Molchanov: "For me, best seats are on right side of balcony. Acoustics is awesome like on any other non-central seats, yet much cheaper and with good view and no queues to get seated or to leave."
  • 9.4

    Meshersky Park

    Park Москва, Москва

    People also say (77 tips):

    • Grace A.
      Grace Alexandra: "It is more beautiful to live simply but as it is, than to live in luxury with debt everywhere."
  • 9.2

    Золотое яблоко

    Cosmetics Store Пресненская наб., 2 Москва, Москва

    People also say (15 tips):

    • Anna K.
      Anna Kaminova: "Amazing choice of cosmetics, in addition to well known High end brands there is a big choice of Russian, Korean and Japanese cosmetics, niche perfumes. My favourite find was Romanova makeup brand."

People are talking about these places in Moscow:

  • 9.3

    Red Square

    Plaza Красная пл. Москва, Москва

    People also say (918 tips):

    • Eugenia
      Eugenia: "My favorite place in Moscow: St. Basil's Cathedral, Spasskaya Tower with chimes, Kremlin, Historical Museum. Here were many events and facts from history of Russia. Must see for each newbie in Moscow"
    • Ma H.
      Ma Hi: "Heart of moscow!you can feel the history and soul of russia in there!magnificent architecture!GREAT symbol of russia!if you have'nt seen this you have'nt seen moscow!my favorite place in moscow!"
  • 9.3

    Парк «Останкино»

    Park 1-я Останкинская ул. Москва, Москва

    People also say (190 tips):

    • Lefteris M.
      Lefteris Mposmos: "I loved this place. Walk through trees and the small lake. Perfect place to walk on Sunday with friends and your crush. Romantic and quite! I visited in the middle of the winter with snow"
    • Stacey H.
      Stacey Hollander: "Great park with lots of modern sports equipment. Neat and well maintained."
  • 9.3

    Gorky Park

    Park ул. Крымский Вал, 9 Москва, Москва

    People also say (1784 tips):

    • Elif
      Elif: "One of the best park I have ever seen Central Park is still the coolest, Park Güell still the most fairy, Retiro is the most laid back but the Gorky is different then them all and very very impressive"
    • Lufthansa
      Lufthansa: "Gorky Park opened in 1928. The park is about 1,2 km² big, including many small lakes. In the winter months, a 15,000 square-meter ice rink opens. More Moscow tips in our LH Travel Report."

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