This airport continues to exist despite its unsightly appearance and it's overall obsolescence. Customer Service, technology and restroom facilities...they are simply inadequate! Fly Burbank!
There are some outlets behind seats near wall at terminals. If you are not charging something, please try to avoid taking up seats near charging centers. Thank you.
Shuttles pass btw moving planes like it is regular traffic .. to go frm one terminal to another I had to step out and redo security. Old lady trips at the bottom of escalator and humans pile up!
How come in the US Airways terminal, there are 3 bars, but none you can sit and order food and a beer? All 3, you have to go get your own food, then belly up. Long day, just want to be served.
The new Tom Bradley is very nice, except bad ventilation from the restaurants. I dislike having food smell on my clothes especially when I did not dine at such location.
Come on, only a few electrical connections works in this airport? It's almost impossible to find a working current connection for your phone or laptop.
Be happy and enjoy the flight. There are a bajillion other worse things you could be doing. Like digging ditches, being incarcerated or sitting in a boring meeting.