The wifi in the American Airlines terminal is no bueno!! Don't fall for purchasing the 1 hour plan. All you'll do is drain your battery & they don't have enough charging stations!
Got here at 6:30 am and the lines at United were long. Very busy but it took less than 15 minutes to go through. TSA lines were very short and took 5 minutes to go through.
Instead of having friends fight thru the arriving flights traffic for a pick up, have your flyer go upstairs to departing flights level. Get them there.
Opt out of the body scanners! Instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on this invasive harmful scanner, let's replace them with dogs! More intimidating, cheaper and more effective
Things I've learned during a year of travel: Fly Delta, Frontier or Virgin. Avoid Spirit at all costs! It's worth the extra money for a solid, courteous airline. Read more
Immigration queue is 2 hour wait at a 7pm weekday arrival. Then you need to claim baggage, re check then go to the next gate. So 3 hour layover minimum.
I was all like "woah delayed?" and they were all like "yeah bro here are some stale pretzels and soda" and I was like "psst carbs dude" and they were all "yeah we know sorry lulz"
If flying Virgin America or Jet Blue, be sure to eat beforehand. Eatery options are limited. And don't expect to find an outlet to charge your items. Plan ahead.