There's almost always delays here. But, if you have a Metrocard it's cheaper (free) to get to this airport using the Select Bus Service than having to take NJ Transit to Newark.
Coming in late night Friday or Saturday? Don't bother with the M-60. You'll wait 5 busses and get crammed in. Splurge on a cab or other mode for the night.
Probably the best of New York/New Jerseys three big airports, but still terrible. Bring your own fan, AC never works. Bring you own food. Non-existent dining options in C terminal
Heading to CMUNNY V this weekend? Take the NY Airport Service shuttle to Port Authority then take the 1 train uptown to 116th. (or the 2/3 train to 96th & transfer to the 1 train for a faster ride)
If you can, try to fly out of Terminal A. It's the original terminal of the airport, super small, no lines at security, and Delta gives you free coffee!
LaGuardia Airport was the first airport in the U.S. to be built on partially reclaimed land, which was also used in Tokyo and Hong Kong. LGA has outgrown its capacity, terminals feel a bit cramped.
Forget about food and drinks if you are stuck in C. Just a minimal assortment of Hudson News and Annie's Pretzels (literally). People are an afterthought here.
The coffee shop in the Terminal Bfood court is open 24hrs in case you need it.. but it's pricey - $4 for a bottle of water. Take the free shuttle to get between the terminals.
If you're the "greatest city in the world" as you shamelessly claim, then upgrade one or both of your terrible airports! The Wright brothers had a better experience getting on and off a plane.
Brooklyn people...highly recommend avoiding Yellow Cabs for return home... Best to find local town car driver you like and reserve pickup at departure level (avoid lower level congestion)...home faste
Terminal B is a hellhole vortex of rude a-holes, from normally-friendly Southwest check-in agents to security-line personnel and travelers who put their bags all over seats at the gate.
Funny how I was reading that everything's always delayed at this place, and on my plane they just announced that we have to sit here to 30 minutes until we can make it into the gate. Fun times (。-_-。)
If you're flying on Southwest, be advised they do not assign seats. Head directly toward the middle of the aircraft and grab an emergency exit row. This way you're guaranteed an aisle or window seat.
If for some reason, you're looking for United Club, it's actually outside the security line. (This airport has an odd layout.) Concourse C, behind the ticket counters.
I just found out Time Warner Cable customers get free wifi at Boingo hotspots! Just choose TWC from the drop down and sign in with your username and password.
Terminal C does NOT have air conditioning. Unless a couple of large fans for a thousand people sounds like effective cooling to you, dress lightly and buy cold water once through security.
It never fails that the taxi stand outside the central terminal around the corner has no line while there are over 300 people waiting 350 ft away right outside the doors. Move your feet, sheep!
Pro tip: if C security is long you can go through D and take the shuttle (and vice versa). Leave yourself time but not so much time that you have to sit in the crappy terminals.
Good chance your flight will board close to on time...don't get too excited, be prepared to sit on the tarmac for awhile. This is one airport you definitely DON'T want to be one of the 1st to board.
Getting home by car service? Ask them to meet you at the departures. Instead of going downstairs walk straight out, less traffice, and parkingpolice won't hassle them.
Apparently, TSA does strictly enforce that you go to through the security lines for your particular gate. So forget about meeting a friend who has a layover on a different airlines.