There're a lot of food courts here, you'll find Burger King (if it's hard to make a choice) there's a bookstore not so much books there but yeah it's better than nothing.
Why do the locals think it is alright to cut in front of everyone else? If you are going to cut in line at least have your documents ready!!! Oh, i need to show you a boarding pass. Where did it go?
Smaller airport but with grand ambition. Normally check in and security is super fast, but new construction make it a little confusing ! Notch to so however especially in T2.
Don't talk to anyone asking you for a TAXI the way out of the airport , they are not authorized by Abu Dhabi taxi company, just ignore them or report them to a airportpolice. There is airporttaxi.
Better u dont take this airport (ethihad air)for transfer,maybe you will not reach ur home in the correct time,now they are asking me how u reach here,what a jok!!!!
You have to have an American dolar or Emarati derham. If you buy stuff using the dollar do not accept the change in derham, it would be less than it should be.
The airport had got some unknown smell. Not much choices of food . Yes. If you are here meant you are waiting for transit . Etihad airways airplane is news but the air stewardess will never smile.