Whether you're picking up a book for class or trying to impress a crush, a bad book is a bad book...check out this video on how to finish a book you hate but have to finish...http://ow.ly/6CZHC
You can spend hours in this store and not know it: If you enter when it's sunny, it's likely to be dark when you exit. It's walking distance to some great cafes around Union Square.
If the book you're looking for is featured on one of the front display tables, chances are there are cheaper copies of it on the shelf. Also- Look for Turkish banana taffy when checking out.
Decent math section downstairs, albeit relatively small given the store's size. Look here to round out your math bookshelf by scoring some great used finds for cheap.
The Strand is just a great New York Institution. One can look at photo books, art books and cookbooks for recipes. I've also hid a bunch of my own photos in books there. -Fred Cray, PhotographerRead more
Meet Ted Rall on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at 7:00 PM as he reads from his new graphic novel After We Kill You, We Will Welcome You Back as Honored Guests. Read more