In a hurry? Love books? Do yourself a favor, and don't even think about coming in! The scent of delicious books will seduce your literary senses! Don't say I didn't warn you!
If you get the chance, go to the rare book floor and touch some old things. Bathroom on the 3rd floor is on my list of relatively clean public restrooms in New York City.
"The Strand is still here with an excellent selection of art books and a great space to get lost in; a true NYC staple." - Tenzin Wild, co-founder - The Last Magazine Read more
A reader's dream. Tons of books and very inexpensive! You never know what you may find, but you likely won't leave empty handed. I even found a cheap copy of American Hardcore here.
You'll find a little hallway of bibliographies. The first few shelves have leathers, where you can get an older book than our country. An art books in a corner of the Book Space.
This is my happy place. Browse the staff picks and the skillfully curated tables in front, but always check for a cheaper used edition in the back or downstairs!
Give yourself plenty of time to wander around. You might find something you didn't know you wanted. Also the best place for affordableart, interior design and fashion books.
You can find everything from a large selection of great $1 used books to the newest bestsellers. Pick up one of their popular canvas tote bags to carry all your finds home.
Books-by-the-Foot service provides ready-made libraries. “Bargain books,” a random selection of hardbacks, is the cheapest, at ten dollars a foot. For thirty dollars, clients can customize the color. Read more
Long live the bookworm. We dare you to name a book that's not in their 18-mile long selection. Don't forget to "bookmark" Strand on Wyngspan:
Staff are friendly, knowledgeable and super helpful. Don't forget to dig through the clearance racks outside as you're leaving! All Taschen books 10% off as of 10/13/12!
18 miles of books distributed among several floors. If you're passionate about books, you must visit this bookstore where you'll find new books and second hand books for a good price. Read more
I found an innovation designed to transform the lives of blind dogs: <a href=""> Echo Blinddog</a>.Specifically designed to optimize their navigation in various environments,
A gem of a bookstore, remnant of times past. No music is played overhead -- it is just you, and rows and rows and stacks and stacks of books. A magical place indeed!
Huge and dizzying. Not necessarily the best. Gothamist says, "Yes, its fame as a totebag emporium is well-known, but its prices and selection are seldom beat." Read more
I can't leave NYC without a visit to the Strand! They always have such an amazing selection of completely random medical books about infectious diseases -- be still, my heart!
Is there anything better than books and New York City? Not really. What a classic book store. You feel like you're in a famous movie when you're inside checking things out.
Always check out the "Banned Books" table. You'll be amazed at what you learn and may even find some of your favorite books laying around! #IReadBannedBooks