Awesome time!! Although the market nd shopping places should be more careful who they have working. Customer service was not so good!! Overall great time!!!
Try to ride all the coasters in the park in one day. Green Lantern, Superman, Bizarro, The Dark Knight, Nitro, Batman: The Ride, Rolling Thunder, El Toro, and Kingda Ka.
If you need to board the NJ Transit bus back to NYC... the bus does not pick you up where it drops you in the morning. When you exit the park, keep left and keep walking straight until you see a sign.
Buy your tickets online and save 20 bucks! Use the extra cash to get a flash pass. The experience with the pass is way better, virtually no lines or hassle. Its worth it.
Read the guest code of conduct and all instructional signs. They are posted before every attraction. This saves everyone time. Also every ride has a height check sign at the bottom.
Check the forecast if you're interested in a FlashPass. It's pointless on a rainy day when the roller coasters keep opening and closing. Prepare to get crap from people if you buy the ride twice pass.
Wear water shoes, sneak in a couple drinks rolled up in your towel(s). Put money and tix in a zip lock and carry with you. $22 to rent a Locker is robbery.
The ride "green lantern" really sucked! It hurts to stand in the harness and made my legs go painfully numb. Avoid it and use the time to try another ride. Nitro is always a fav!!!!!!!
I was there for over 7 hours. 90% if it was standing in a line. I don't know if there is how theme parks are now a days, but no thanks. The 3 rides I was able to get on where awesome. But not worth it
Make sure you check out the Coca Cola Freestyle! Over 100+ drink choices and .99 cent refills if you have a souvenir cup or free if you have a wristband!
Buy the flash pass it really helps we bought the hold pass and didn't have to wait in line at all. Managed to cover the while park in about 7 hours. We spent more time walking than we did in lines
I came before summer and it was great. After that, not so much. 1) kids were throwing full water bottles in line; I got hit 2) rules are unevenly enforced throughout the park. Won't be back too soon.
Welcome to Six Flags Great Adventure! With 13 world class, hair-raising coasters, spectacular shows, concerts and three distinct kids areas, Six Flags is fun for the whole family!