Ok, I've come, I've seen I've conquered. Love it here but couldn't see myself living here. People are so "Not Neighborly" unless you play volleyball or Frisbee. I'll be back love the weather!
Real laid back I'd recommend flyimg into and out of there instead of lax. Only a 2 hour drive but not dealing with inner city traffic and the 405 is worth it to me
Now I got it! The reason their Wi-Fi is free is that by the time you're through security, you don't have no time for Internet! Can't use it anyway! Unless you finally missed your flight!
Love it! "The TSA here are exceptionally trained monkeys. Simply amazing. Bravo to the talented primates for your security theater" BY CHRIS DANCY on Gowalla
If you're checking in the Alaska Airlines gate for departures, make sure that your flight will be departing soon. Not many things to do once you pass that security gate.
Busy place, long distances and some misleading gate/exit info. Make sure you pay attention or you’ll end up exiting airport in a flinch. Not many chain places to eat.
They moved the Starbucks from inside the southwest terminal to where the check-in is and replaced it with some crappy airport "cafe."IOW if you want Starbucks you have to drink it before tsa now.
For Terminal 2, use the security line near Virgin America. The far one near United is usually way too long and filled with international travelers. Both lines go to all gates in Terminal 2.
Bring your own food. Remember - pre-make your sandwiches! Peanut butter jars, mustard, mayo and yogurt are subject to the liquids & gels policy and security will confiscate & dispose of these foods
If you are stuck for the day there are two sky clubs, Delta and American. Both are $50 a day but go with Delta. Longer hours, friendly service, and 50% if you have certain Amex Cards.
Construction is on-going through spring/summer 2013. Give yourself extra time for delays and re-routes. You can access terminal 2 via terminal 1 in a pinch.
Difficult to distinguish entry points for precheck & non-precheck. I often see folks turned away at the security podium b/c they were in the wrong line.