the transfer security from US is ridiculous - today my stomach beeped in the metal detector, had to open my shirt up, he still looked suspicious. 10 peeps 30 minutes = ridiculous. I'm eating bombs
Nothing is good here. Massive queues in claustrophobic corridors. Endless stairways up and dow down. How in God's name did this airport receive an award? English humor?
This is a shit shit airport. A cm of snow and they close it. Then the air bridge doesn't work. Then the queue for passport control is a mile long. They've probably damaged my luggage too!
Be prepared to walk the long hallways of the old and new parts of the airport as the walking paths have always seemed to be under construction or broken down.
Disappointing as ever. Usual slow border control and particularly slow baggage reclaim. It’s really poor despite the millions they spend. Anywhere on the globe is more efficient than Manchester.
Still Europe's grottiest airport. Low ceilings, bad lighting, cheap materials and chaotic layout. Greedy owners push more passengers through than the infrastructure can cope with. Avoid.
This is THE WORST airport I’ve ever been to in my life. Arriving is slow, and when you leave The security process is simple abuse from the staff, constant berating and shouting, this place is cray
Extremely slow security despite very few people waiting. Free Wi-fi only lasts an hour, then you have to pay £5 per hour or £10 per day which is ridiculous
Dirty, slow & disorganized airport. Security staff being rude and slow, and disembarking planes while keeping other people waiting to get to their gates. Avoid when possible.