Beer Garden is cute. The snitzell(pork) is the worst I've had in the Country. Huge waist of money & disappointment. Not sure who rates these places. Beer was Good
On 6/13, the Germany v Australia match will be playing here. Stop by for a chance to win a free pair of Havaianas! Australia has arguably the funniest nickname in all of the 2010 World Cup: Socceroos
If you want to be around a bunch of poseur hipsters with a douchebag bouncer, who by the way, physically assaulted by kicking me while inappropriately focusing on a woman outside, go here.
mashed potatoes are awesome. Wiener Schnitzel (pork, not veal) was a bit thick of a cut and breading was not light enough to "float" off the meat. the wurst platter was good.
great place for HOND, started our summer early last weekend with the loudest table competition, this weekend great weather & garden is open, will be there all friggin day till they tell me to shut up Read more