Placita de la Seu is one of Barca.

1. Placita de la Seu

Placita de la Seu, Barcelona, Catalunya
Plaza · El Barri Gòtic · 1 tip
Hotel Zenit is one of Barca.

2. Hotel Zenit

Santaló, 8, Barcelona, Catalunya
Bed and Breakfast · Sant Gervasi-Galvany · 1 tip
Wer-Haus is one of Barca.

3. Wer-Haus

C. d'Aragó, 287 (C. de Pau Claris), Barcelona, Catalunya
Art Gallery · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 31 tips and reviews
San Bermut is one of Barca.

4. San Bermut

Mandri,34, Barcelona, Catalunya
Restaurant · Sant Gervasi-La Bonanova · 3 tips and reviews
Mediamanga is one of Barca.

5. Mediamanga

Carrer D'Aribau, 13, Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 10 tips and reviews
Magic Fountain of Montjuïc is one of Barca.

6. Magic Fountain of Montjuïc

(Font Màgica de Montjuïc)
Plaça Carles Buïgas, 1, Barcelona, Catalunya
Fountain · Sants-Montjuïc · 402 tips and reviews
Bodega 1900 is one of Barca.

7. Bodega 1900

C. Tamarit, 91 (C. Entença), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Antoni · 115 tips and reviews
La Pastisseria is one of Barca.

8. La Pastisseria

C. Aragó, 228 (C. Enric Granados), Barcelona, Catalunya
Pastry Shop · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 91 tips and reviews
Tickets is one of Barca.

9. Tickets

Av. Paral·lel, 164 (C. Tamarit), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Antoni · 183 tips and reviews
La Central is one of Barca.

10. La Central

C. de Mallorca, 237 (C. de Balmes), Barcelona, Catalunya
Bookstore · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 47 tips and reviews
Cerveseria Ciutat Comtal is one of Barca.

11. Cerveseria Ciutat Comtal

Rambla de Catalunya, 18 (Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 912 tips and reviews
Palo Cortao is one of Barca.

12. Palo Cortao

C. Nou de la Rambla, 146, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · El Poble Sec · 49 tips and reviews
Las Fernández is one of Barca.

13. Las Fernández

Carrer de les Carretes 11, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · El Raval · 46 tips and reviews
Camp Nou is one of Barca.

14. Camp Nou

C. Arístides Maillol, 12 (Av. Joan XIII), Barcelona, Catalunya
Soccer Stadium · Les Corts · 1296 tips and reviews
Llamber is one of Barca.

15. Llamber

C. Fusina, 4, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 207 tips and reviews
Planelles Donat is one of Barca.

16. Planelles Donat

Av. del Portal de l'Àngel, 7 i 25, Barcelona, Catalunya
Ice Cream Parlor · El Barri Gòtic · 46 tips and reviews
Els Sortidors del Parlament is one of Barca.

17. Els Sortidors del Parlament

C. Parlament, 53, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Antoni · 86 tips and reviews
Mistral is one of Barca.

18. Mistral

C. Torres i Amat, 7, Barcelona, Catalunya
Bakery · El Raval · 103 tips and reviews
Betty Ford's is one of Barca.

19. Betty Ford's

C. Joaquín Costa, 52 (C. Valldonzella), Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · El Raval · 63 tips and reviews
Zuckerhaus is one of Barca.

20. Zuckerhaus

C. del Parlament, 17 (C. de Viladomat), Barcelona, Catalunya
Dessert Shop · Sant Antoni · 18 tips and reviews
Bitter is one of Barca.

21. Bitter

Viladomat, 17 (Parlament), Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · Sant Antoni · 32 tips and reviews
Sirvent Barcelona is one of Barca.

22. Sirvent Barcelona

Ronda Sant Pau, 67, Barcelona, Abierto
Snack Place · El Raval · 35 tips and reviews
El Racó de l'Agüir is one of Barca.

23. El Racó de l'Agüir

C. Tamarit, 117, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · Sant Antoni · 39 tips and reviews
Rekons is one of Barca.

24. Rekons

C. Urgell, 32 (C. Floridablanca), Barcelona, Catalunya
Argentinian Restaurant · Sant Antoni · 256 tips and reviews
Tarannà is one of Barca.

25. Tarannà

C. Viladomat, 23, Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · Sant Antoni · 189 tips and reviews
Federal Café is one of Barca.

26. Federal Café

C. Parlament, 39 (C. del Comte Borrell), Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · Sant Antoni · 559 tips and reviews
Café Cometa is one of Barca.

27. Café Cometa

C. Parlament, 20, Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · Sant Antoni · 221 tips and reviews
Bar Calders is one of Barca.

28. Bar Calders

C. Parlament, 25, Barcelona, Catalunya
Bar · Sant Antoni · 174 tips and reviews
Mercat de Sant Antoni is one of Barca.

29. Mercat de Sant Antoni

Comte d'Urgell, 1, Barcelona, Catalunya
Market · Sant Antoni · 61 tips and reviews
Mercat del Llibre Vell de Sant Antoni is one of Barca.

30. Mercat del Llibre Vell de Sant Antoni

C. Comte d'Urgell (C. Tamarit), Barcelona, Catalunya
Flea Market · Sant Antoni · 24 tips and reviews
Sant Antoni is one of Barca.

31. Sant Antoni

Barcelona, Catalunya
Neighborhood · 12 tips and reviews
Babèlia Books & Coffee is one of Barca.

32. Babèlia Books & Coffee

Villarroel 27, Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · Sant Antoni · 77 tips and reviews
Onna Coffee is one of Barca.

33. Onna Coffee

C. de Santa Teresa, 1 (C. Bonavista), Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · La Vila de Gràcia · 223 tips and reviews
Roast Club Café is one of Barca.

34. Roast Club Café

Carrer de València 190 (C. de València), Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 99 tips and reviews
Satan's Coffee is one of Barca.

35. Satan's Coffee

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 700, Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 108 tips and reviews
Cafés El Magnífico is one of Barca.

36. Cafés El Magnífico

C. de l'Argenteria, 64-66, Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 175 tips and reviews
Spice Café is one of Barca.

37. Spice Café

C. Margarit, 13, Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · El Poble Sec · 140 tips and reviews
Palau de la Música Catalana is one of Barca.

38. Palau de la Música Catalana

C. Palau de la Música, 4-6 (Sant Pere més Alt), Barcelona, Catalunya
Concert Hall · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 339 tips and reviews
Bestial is one of Barca.

39. Bestial

C. Ramon Trias Fargas, 2-4, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · La Barceloneta · 99 tips and reviews
La Nena is one of Barca.

40. La Nena

C. Ramón y Cajal, 36, Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · La Vila de Gràcia · 168 tips and reviews
Old Fashioned is one of Barca.

41. Old Fashioned

C. Aribau 152 Loc.B (Calle Corsega), Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · La Vila de Gràcia · 161 tips and reviews
ArtiSa Barcelona is one of Barca.

42. ArtiSa Barcelona

C. Colom, 2 (La Rambla, Plaça Reial), Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · El Barri Gòtic · 162 tips and reviews
Milk Bar & Bistro is one of Barca.

43. Milk Bar & Bistro

C. Gignàs, 21, Barcelona, Catalunya
Bar · El Barri Gòtic · 501 tips and reviews
Antilla Bcn Latin Club is one of Barca.

44. Antilla Bcn Latin Club

C. Aragón, 141, Barcelona, Catalunya
Night Club · La Nova Esquerra de l'Eixample · 16 tips and reviews
The Basilica of the Sagrada Familia is one of Barca.

45. The Basilica of the Sagrada Familia

(Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família)
C. de Mallorca, 401 (C. de Sardenya), Barcelona, Catalunya
Church · Barri de la Sagrada Família · 1838 tips and reviews
Disfrutar is one of Barca.

46. Disfrutar

Villaroel 163, Barcelona, Catalunya
Molecular Gastronomy Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 71 tips and reviews
Picasso Museum is one of Barca.

47. Picasso Museum

(Museu Picasso)
C. Montcada, 15-23 (C. Princesa), Barcelona, Catalunya
Art Museum · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 409 tips and reviews
Design Museum of Barcelona is one of Barca.

48. Design Museum of Barcelona

(Museu del Disseny de Barcelona)
Pl. Glòries, 37-38 (C. de Badajoz), Barcelona, Catalunya
Art Museum · El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou · 86 tips and reviews
Rambla de Catalunya is one of Barca.

49. Rambla de Catalunya

Rambla de Catalunya, Barcelona, Catalunya
Road · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 55 tips and reviews
Triumphal Arch is one of Barca.

50. Triumphal Arch

(Arc de Triomf)
Pg. Lluís Companys (Pg. Sant Joan), Barcelona, Catalunya
Monument · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 270 tips and reviews
A Tu Bola is one of Barca.

51. A Tu Bola

C. de l'Hospital, 78, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · El Raval · 176 tips and reviews
Bodega La Riera is one of Barca.

52. Bodega La Riera

Av. Vallcarca, 81, Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Bar · Gràcia · 9 tips and reviews
Pinotxo is one of Barca.

53. Pinotxo

La Rambla, 91, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · El Raval · 110 tips and reviews
Mercat de Santa Caterina is one of Barca.

54. Mercat de Santa Caterina

Av. de Francesc Cambó, 16, Barcelona, Catalunya
Market · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 164 tips and reviews
Barceloneta Beach is one of Barca.

55. Barceloneta Beach

(Platja de la Barceloneta)
Pg. Maritim de la Barceloneta, Barcelona, Catalunya
Beach · La Barceloneta · 527 tips and reviews
Cerveseria Catalana is one of Barca.

56. Cerveseria Catalana

C. Mallorca, 236 (Rambla de Catalunya), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 1376 tips and reviews
Bar del Pla is one of Barca.

57. Bar del Pla

C. Montcada, 2, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 280 tips and reviews
Cripta de la Sagrada Família is one of Barca.

58. Cripta de la Sagrada Família

C. de Mallorca, 401, Barcelona, Catalunya
Historic and Protected Site · Barri de la Sagrada Família · 53 tips and reviews
Parc de la Ciutadella is one of Barca.

59. Parc de la Ciutadella

Pg. de Pujades (Pg. de Picasso), Barcelona, Catalunya
Park · 489 tips and reviews
Mercat de Sant Josep - La Boqueria is one of Barca.

60. Mercat de Sant Josep - La Boqueria

La Rambla, 91, Barcelona, Catalunya
Market · El Raval · 1089 tips and reviews
Mercat de Santa Eulàlia is one of Barca.

61. Mercat de Santa Eulàlia

Mercat Mercat Santa Eulàlia, s/n, l'Hospitalet, Catalunya
Market · 7 tips and reviews
Mercat de Les Corts is one of Barca.

62. Mercat de Les Corts

Travessera de les Corts, 215, Barcelona, Catalunya
Market · Les Corts · 13 tips and reviews
Botafumeiro is one of Barca.

63. Botafumeiro

Carrer Gran de Gracia, 81, bajos, Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 330 tips and reviews
La Paradeta is one of Barca.

64. La Paradeta

C. Comercial, 7, Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 292 tips and reviews

65. Bodega Can Ros

C. Roger de Flor, 303 (Travessera de Gràcia), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Gràcia · 56 tips and reviews

Monica Y.Monica Y Cesar: Para sentarse en la barra y pasarlo bien comiendo bocatas y tapas regados por el vino de la casa. Genial!

El Racó del Mariner is one of Barca.

66. El Racó del Mariner

Muelle de los Pescadores s/n, Barcelona, Catalunya
Paella Restaurant · La Barceloneta · 16 tips and reviews

Alonso R.Alonso Ramirez: Deliciosas tapas marineras y fideuá, también las bravas. Precios más que razonables para ser el pescado y marisco más frescos de la ciudad. Literalmente, del mar al plato pasando solo por la cocina.

67. O Retorno

Comte d'Urgell, 168 (C. Mallorca), Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 150 tips and reviews

MarMar: Sin duda hay q pedir su pulpo a la gallega. Lugar modesto, pero donde se come como en pocos sitios de barcelona. 100% recomendable.

Gothic Quarter is one of Barca.

68. Gothic Quarter

(Barri Gòtic)
Barcelona, Catalunya
Neighborhood · 188 tips and reviews

Matías G.Matías Gagliardone: El barrio más lindo de Barcelona. Nada como perderse en sus callecitas angostas y encontrarse castillos e iglesias desperdigados por ahí.

69. Sant Pau Recinte Modernista

Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167 (Cartagena), Barcelona, Catalunya
Historic and Protected Site · El Guinardó · 97 tips and reviews

Albert L.Albert Lorente: El más grande de Europa. 6 pavellones rehabilitados. Obra maestra de Lluís Domènech i Montaner entre 1902 y 1930. Patrimonio Mundial por la UNESCO.

70. Temple d'August

Carrer del Paradís 10, Barcelona, Catalunya
Historic and Protected Site · El Barri Gòtic · 17 tips and reviews

Fluying ✅.Fluying ✅: En pleno barrio gótico se encuentran los restos del templo de Augusto que funcionaba como templo y forum durante el imperio romano. Imperdible joya escondida.

71. Casa Lolea

C. de Sant Pere Més Alt, 49, Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · 482 tips and reviews

Ari* B.Ari* Basciani: Excelente restaurant y tienda de las sangrías Lolea. Vale destacar del menú: steak tartar y, si tienen la suerte de conseguirlo, el risotto de sémola y trufa. De postre pan amb oli y xocolata 😉

72. El Xampanyet

C. Montcada, 22, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 472 tips and reviews

Sarita P.Sarita Ponce: Muy recomendable todas la tapas deliciosas y la atención excelente el precio es algo elevado por estar en lo Ma turístico pero vale la pena tomarte varias xmpanyet que es fresca y comer de todo

73. La Tasqueta de Blai

C. Blai, 17, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · El Poble Sec · 348 tips and reviews

ZoeZoe: Muy buenas tapas a 1€ y por 2€ te dan la caña y la tapa. El local es bastante pequeño pero al final sacas hueco para tapear. Los camareros muy majos también (lo que es de agradecer) =)

74. Vinitus

Carrer del Consell de Cent, 333, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 400 tips and reviews

Waidy P.Waidy Perez: Excelente lugar para ir a tapear y pasar un momento agradable con pareja y amigos! Toda la comida exquisita!

Baluard Barceloneta is one of Barca.

75. Baluard Barceloneta

C. del Baluard, 38-40 (C. d'Escuder), Barcelona, Catalunya
Bakery · La Barceloneta · 129 tips and reviews

Alba S.Alba Sánchez Fernández: Bollo de crema inglesa muy especial... Es como masa de coca de Sant Joan y crema pastelera con algo de dulce de leche. ¡Delicioso!.

Garage Beer Co. is one of Barca.

76. Garage Beer Co.

C. del Consell de Cent, 261 (C. d'Aribau), Barcelona, Catalunya
Brewery · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 95 tips and reviews

Nos Comemos BCNNos Comemos BCN: Estupenda cerveza artesana! Y el trato de lujo! Un local sorprendente donde tomar unas cervezas con los amigos!

77. Sirvent 1926

Ronda Sant Pau, 3, Barcelona, Catalunya
Ice Cream Parlor · Sant Antoni · 14 tips and reviews

David L.David Lara: la mejor horchata en barcelona ..y con una bola de helado de leche merengada buenisimo

78. Horchatería Sirvent

C. Parlament, 56 (Ronda de Sant Pau), Barcelona, Catalunya
Ice Cream Parlor · Sant Antoni · 111 tips and reviews

Markus A.Markus Aarstad: Specializing in horchata, ice cream and turrons (nougat bars). The queue on the street speaks to the high quality of the products. A true summer classic in Barcelona.

79. La Botifarreria de Santa Maria

C. de Santa Maria, 4, Barcelona, Catalunya
Butcher · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 11 tips and reviews

Veronica H.Veronica H.: todas las butifarras son buenisimas, mis favoritas, la de cerveza, la de higo y cebolla caramelizada, la de bolets, la de ajos tiernos

80. Restaurant BarcelonaMilano

Villaroel (190), Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 27 tips and reviews

Emilio B.Emilio Borrella Ortega: Delicioso día de San Esteban con mi mujercita. Canalones y "escudella i carn d'olla" muy recomendables...

Plaça de Catalunya is one of Barca.

81. Plaça de Catalunya

Plaça de Catalunya, Barcelona, Catalunya
Plaza · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 694 tips and reviews

Apartment BarcelonaApartment Barcelona: Don't miss your chance to catch the magical Christmas lights in Plaça Catalunya! Hurry!

82. Plaça de Catalunya

Plaça de Catalunya, Barcelona, Catalunya
Plaza · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 694 tips and reviews

Elif Özge K.Elif Özge Kuyumcu: Here is the heart of the city. You can go to La Rambla, Passeig De Gracia, Barri Gotic, Plaça Reial and the coast by walking. Also metro stations are in every corner of the city.

83. Baluard Barceloneta

C. del Baluard, 38-40 (C. d'Escuder), Barcelona, Catalunya
Bakery · La Barceloneta · 129 tips and reviews

Michael A.Michael Aaron: The best bread in Barcelona. Nice, natural, tasty and a lot of variaty. Not only are the good at bread 🍞 but you can also get some of the best pastry 🍰 in Barcelona. No frozen stuff. Just the BEST.

Flash Flash Tortillería is one of Barca.

84. Flash Flash Tortillería

C. Granada del Penedès, 25 (C. Tuset), Barcelona, Catalunya
Restaurant · Sant Gervasi-Galvany · 96 tips and reviews

Danil K.Danil Kuropov: Место для местных с хорошими ценами. 😉 Легенда места: тортилья 👍👍👍 Стейки и бургеры также хороши 👏👏👏 Кафе часто посещал Сальвадор Дали и король Испании ✌️

85. Can Xurrades

C. Casanova, 212, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 44 tips and reviews

Culinary BackstreetsCulinary Backstreets: Specializes in one of the best meats in the world, the Iberian bull. During the winter months order the flame-grilled calçots (Catalan green onions) with homemade romesco sauce. Read more.

Vermuteria Lou is one of Barca.

86. Vermuteria Lou

Escorial, 3, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 49 tips and reviews

Helena C.Helena Costa Diaz: Fuero del circuito clasico. Pequeño local sin pretensiones pero delicioso todo. plato estrella: huevos estrellados con jamon y foe. Todo fresco fresco!

87. Bar Mandri

C. Mandri, 58 (C. de Bigal), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Gervasi-La Bonanova · 50 tips and reviews

Joan R.Joan Rovira González: La tricombinación perfecta: Las mejores bravas de BCN, el planxat (jabugo + formatge) + croquetitas de foie, ceps y formatge, una voll para acompañar!

88. Bodega Montferry

Violant d'Hongria, 105, Barcelona, Catalunya
Winery · Sants · 54 tips and reviews

valentina a.valentina alvarado: Croquetas de calcots, sardinas, bomba, las papas, el vermut. Buen lugar y muy típico para ir a tomar y picar cosas muy sencillas pero muy ricas. Barato!

89. Catalluna Cerveseria Celler

Carrer de l'Estació 11, Ripoll, Catalunya
Brewery · 31 tips and reviews

Oscar V.Oscar Via Grau: El mejor establecimiento de cerveza artesana en Barcelona, especializado en cerveza artesana local. Ambiente familiar, atención impecable, cerveza excelente y local muy chulo. Genial.

BierCab is one of Barca.

90. BierCab

C. Muntaner, 55 (C. del Consell de Cent), Barcelona, Catalunya
Beer Bar · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 174 tips and reviews

Robin B.Robin Bertels: It's hard to find a bar with a decent beer selection in Barcelona. Enter BierCab: 30 beers on tap and a large bottle selection from their shop next door. The place to go if you're into craft beers.

Ale & Hop is one of Barca.

91. Ale & Hop

Basses de Sant Pere 10 (Cortinas), Barcelona, Catalunya
Brewery · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 128 tips and reviews

Anatolijs R.Anatolijs Ropotovs: A dream of an IPA beer lover. It feels like an exquisite gourmet place with fresh guacamole and nachos, burgers and a unique atmosphere with birds chirping outside. A rare, true, cozy gem.

92. Bar del Pla

C. Montcada, 2, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 280 tips and reviews

Raquel I.Raquel Izquierdo: Pa morirse. Una de las mejores cenas de mi vida... bombas, salmon, canelon, burrata y.. crema catalana. Merece la pena pagarlo!!

93. Can Vallés

Carrer d'Aragó, 95, Barcelona, Catalunya
Catalan Restaurant · La Nova Esquerra de l'Eixample · 26 tips and reviews

Gabriel L.Gabriel Llambias: Canelon de pies de cerdo espectacular. Ravioli de gamba y ceps muy bueno. Y el filete se deshace de lo tierno q esta. Tiramisu muy mejorable

94. Txokoa

Deu i Mata, 146, Barcelona, Catalunya
Restaurant · Les Corts · 12 tips and reviews

Gemma L.Gemma Lopez: El rabo de toro, el canelon de morcilla buenisimos. El pan no esta en la carta y te cobran 2,5€ pero valen la pena.

95. Escribà

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 546 (C. Villaroel), Barcelona, Catalunya
Dessert Shop · Sant Antoni · 102 tips and reviews

Kari W.Kari Wilson: The pastry shop of El bulli (ranked as best restaurant in the world before it closed). Chocolate croissants are better than any I had in Paris. Their chocolate and cakes look beautiful too.

Escribà is one of Barca.

96. Escribà

La Rambla, 83, Barcelona, Catalunya
Dessert Shop · El Raval · 146 tips and reviews

Robin B.Robin Bertels: This pasteleria is worth a stop, not just for its excellent desserts. Its architecture is a great example of art nouveau. Go and discover all little details of the facade.

97. Casa Vives

C. Sants, 74, Barcelona, Catalunya
Dessert Shop · Sants · 27 tips and reviews

Yousef Z.Yousef Zagzoug: Very delicious cakes and bakeries with a lot of varieties. Very friendly team

98. Pastisseria Hofmann

C. dels Flassaders, 44 (Pg. del Born), Barcelona, Catalunya
Dessert Shop · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 176 tips and reviews

Selnaz C.Selnaz C: Best croissant in town:) try the one with mascarpone and grab a coffee and enjoy the sun:)

99. Mendieta Pastelería Argentina

C. Mallorca, 517 (2 de Maig / Independència), Barcelona, Catalunya
Pastry Shop · El Camp de l'Arpa del Clot · 63 tips and reviews

Ghun D.Ghun Da: Empanadas, medias lunas con dulce de leche, alfajores, sandwiches de miga....todo buenísimo, pero quizá su éxito y que siempre esté a tope hace que su personal no te atienda como debiera

100. Casa Batlló

Pg. de Gràcia, 43 (C. d'Aragó), Barcelona, Catalunya
Museum · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 763 tips and reviews

Levent E.Levent Ertoglu: One of Gaudi's best masterpieces at the very heart of Barcelona city center. Well designed videoguide app helps you understand Gaudi's insights and visualise the connections he made with mother nature

101. Museu Marítim de Barcelona

Av. de les Drassanes, s/n, Barcelona, Catalunya
Museum · El Raval · 126 tips and reviews

Zsuzsanna R.Zsuzsanna Rafaj: One of the best museums I have visited. Well organised, interactive, amazing. Even if you are not particularly fun of ships, you won't regret a visit here. Absolutely recommended!

102. Casa Museu Gaudí

Ctra. del Carmel, Barcelona, Catalunya
Museum · La Salut · 42 tips and reviews

LiLi S.LiLi S.: Like my dreams had melted and been realised in real life. A really amazing place. Put on your list "must see" and enjoy magical atmosphere here ❤

103. Convent de Sant Agustí

Comerç, 36, Barcelona, Catalunya
Museum · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 20 tips and reviews

Magdalena C.Magdalena Cáraves: Un espacio increíble que invita a vivir la cultura, apostando por el fomento del arte emergente, sobre todo la vinculación a la música y las Nuevas Tecnologías.

104. Palau Güell

C. Nou de la Rambla, 3-5 (C. de les Penedides), Barcelona, Catalunya
Monument · El Raval · 95 tips and reviews

Pilgrim 🛣Pilgrim 🛣: My 2nd favorite of the Gaudi exhibits we saw, the history and craftsmanship behind this house is wild. Being able to go down into the horse stables also was different and very cool!

Palau Güell is one of Barca.

105. Palau Güell

C. Nou de la Rambla, 3-5 (C. de les Penedides), Barcelona, Catalunya
Monument · El Raval · 95 tips and reviews

106. Mies van der Rohe Pavilion

Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 7 (Pl. de les Fonts de Montjuïc), Barcelona, Catalunya
Monument · Sants-Montjuïc · 58 tips and reviews

Truman W.Truman W.: Gorgeous spot, perfect for unwinding away from the hustle and bustle of the city, whilst soaking up the architecture! Worth the €5 entrance fee!

Palau Reial de Pedralbes is one of Barca.

107. Palau Reial de Pedralbes

Av. Diagonal, 686, Barcelona, Catalunya
Palace · Pedralbes · 23 tips and reviews

Jim T.Jim Thompson: Tune in, drop out. Take an hour to get away from the hustle and bustle and relax amongst the nature!

108. Museu d'Història de Barcelona (MUHBA)

Pl. del Rei, s/n, Barcelona, Catalunya
History Museum · El Barri Gòtic · 84 tips and reviews

Simon W.Simon Wynn: Great museum. You get to see a large underground roman and medieval ruin. Plan for two hours, get the audio tour. Great value too at 7 euro.

Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya is one of Barca.

109. Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya

Pg. de Santa Madrona, 39-41, Barcelona, Catalunya
History Museum · Sants-Montjuïc · 19 tips and reviews

110. Museu d'Història de Catalunya

Pl. Pau Vila, 3, Barcelona, Catalunya
History Museum · La Barceloneta · 60 tips and reviews

Matteo G.Matteo Giuzzi: I've visited it as tourist and not as local. It takes a while to visit all the floors and most of the things don't have the description in English. It's definitely exhaustive about Spanish culture.

Casa Lleó i Morera is one of Barca.

111. Casa Lleó i Morera

Passeig de Gràcia 35, Barcelona, Catalunya
Monument · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 4 tips and reviews

Pilar DM e.Pilar DM eldadodelarte: Aunque únicamente se puede visitar a horas concretas, merece la pena entrar y ver la excelente restauración y patio interior

112. CaixaForum Barcelona

Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 6-8, Barcelona, Catalunya
Art Museum · Sants-Montjuïc · 189 tips and reviews

OK Apartment BarcelonaOK Apartment Barcelona: This ex-art nouveau factory is now home to some of the best art exhibits in Barcelona and the greatest thing is that it's free.

Fundació Joan Miró is one of Barca.

113. Fundació Joan Miró

Av. Miramar, 1, Barcelona, Catalunya
Art Museum · Sants-Montjuïc · 169 tips and reviews

Fred W.Fred Wilson: this is a fantastic museum. they have a very extensive collection of Miro's work from early in his career to very late. plus the views are amazing and the outdoor sculptures are fantastic

115. Museu Europeu d'Art Modern (MEAM)

C. de la Barra de Ferro, 5, Barcelona, Catalunya
Art Museum · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 73 tips and reviews

Acomodis BarcelonaAcomodis Barcelona: Hyperrealism in medieval surroundings! The newest addition to the museum family in Barcelona and a very welcome space to experience more contemporary art. Go see!

116. Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)

Pl. dels Àngels, 1, Barcelona, Catalunya
Art Museum · El Raval · 199 tips and reviews

Apartment BarcelonaApartment Barcelona: Designed by New York architect Richard Meier and established in the inner city Raval neighbourhood, it´s likened to the largest Russian doll; it’s a work of art that contains many more inside. Read more.

117. Park Güell

C. Olot, s/n, Barcelona, Catalunya
Park · La Salut · 1323 tips and reviews

Marina V.Marina Vasconcelos: Amazing! In all senses!!! Love love love, you can not visit the city without going there, the architecture, the view, the history, the colors, it all make and remarkable place. Fantastic

118. Rambla del Poblenou

Rambla del Poblenou, Barcelona, Catalunya
Road · El Poblenou · 59 tips and reviews

Risiana L.Risiana Levie: This street is just the best! You'll find everything here: bars, restaurants, grocery stores, bakeries, clothing stores. It's cozy to stroll around there.

119. Can Recasens

Rambla del Poblenou, 102, Barcelona, Catalunya
Catalan Restaurant · El Poblenou · 218 tips and reviews

Katja H.Katja Haack: The best Catalan restaurant I have ever been to. Great cheese and ham platter, goat cheese salad and carpaccio. Bacalao carpaccio is my favorite! Open for two sessions 9pm and 11pm. Reservation recomm

Kaiku is one of Barca.

120. Kaiku

Plaça del Mar, 1 (Passeig De Joan De Borbó), Barcelona, Catalunya
Paella Restaurant · La Barceloneta · 53 tips and reviews

Jari M.Jari Mäkelä: In an area filled with tourist traps this place servers very top quality sea food. The dates the fishes have been caught printed on the menu. Only open for lunch.

Bar Ramón is one of Barca.

121. Bar Ramón

Comte Borrell, 81 (Tamarit), Barcelona, Catalunya
Bar · Sant Antoni · 77 tips and reviews

Paul B.Paul Baron: Hidden family-run bar with awesome tapas and drinks. Off the beaten path. Best kept secret in Barcelona!!

Bobby Gin is one of Barca.

122. Bobby Gin

C. Francisco Giner, 47, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · La Vila de Gràcia · 140 tips and reviews

Sugar R.Sugar Rei: Amazing choice of gin and very polite staff. We had a bowl sized glass of delicious g&t - also somehow, it smells absolutely great in there, highly recommended

Ca l'Isidre is one of Barca.

123. Ca l'Isidre

Les Flors 12 (e/ Ronda de Sant Pau y Carrer de Sant Pau), Barcelona, Catalunya
Catalan Restaurant · El Raval · 21 tips and reviews

Alèxia S.Alèxia Solé: Catalan cuisine in one of the most emblematic rests. in Bcn. Not cheap but worth a try. Good wine cellar too.

124. Mabel

C. Marina, 114-116, Barcelona, Catalunya
Restaurant · El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou · 50 tips and reviews

Escott H.Escott Hayashidiaz: Good menu del dia in Poble Nou/Sant Marti. Arrive early because the place fills up fast.

Basílica de Santa María del Mar is one of Barca.

125. Basílica de Santa María del Mar

Pl. de Santa Maria del Mar, Barcelona, Catalunya
Church · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 172 tips and reviews

DailyflatsDailyflats: This is one of the most beautiful churches in Barcelona and a symbol of catalan gothic architecture. It is wider than high, and hasn't got any crosses nor gold inside. Absolutely a wonderful place.

Plaça Nova is one of Barca.

126. Plaça Nova

Plaça Nova, Barcelona, Catalunya
Plaza · El Barri Gòtic · 70 tips and reviews

Sergi B.Sergi Borja: Fira de Santa Llucia, molt maca!

127. La Cova Fumada

Baluard, 56, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Barceloneta · 121 tips and reviews

titonet F.titonet Fernando de la Rosa: Probar las bombas!

Fàbrica Moritz Barcelona is one of Barca.

128. Fàbrica Moritz Barcelona

Rda. de Sant Antoni, 41, Barcelona, Catalunya
Brewery · Sant Antoni · 665 tips and reviews

Linzeye S.Linzeye Smith: You have to have the unpasteurised beer - don't leave without trying. Also hit the shops and the toilets. Staff are lovely and they have menus in different languages

Mont Bar is one of Barca.

129. Mont Bar

Diputació, 220, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 110 tips and reviews

Richard F.Richard Foo: The best creative tapas I ever had. From anchovy fillets on tomato bruschetta, gamba with rice right through to cannelloni stuffed with truffles, gambas ravioli....they all will send you to heaven.

130. Paco Meralgo

Carrer de Muntaner, 171, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 245 tips and reviews

Vicki K.Vicki Kolovou: Exceptional food and service!! Everything we tried was delicious and the house wine, excellent. You must pre-book because it's packed with locals. Very reasonable prices for the great quality!

131. Boadas

Carrer TALLERS, 1, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · El Raval · 102 tips and reviews

Apartment BarcelonaApartment Barcelona: This bar was established in 1933 and is the oldes cocktail bar in Barcelona! Apartment Barcelona Tip: Try the mixed “Cocktail of the Day” for an original experience. Read more.

La Pepita is one of Barca.

132. La Pepita

C. Còrsega, 343, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 387 tips and reviews
La Paradeta is one of Barca.

133. La Paradeta

Passatge de Simó, 2-26 (C. Marina), Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · Barri de la Sagrada Família · 177 tips and reviews

TomTom: Interesting concept. You choose fresh raw seafood, pay by the weight, and they prepare it for you to eat in a sit down environment. It's very affordable and we really liked the oysters & razor clams.

El Quim de la Boqueria is one of Barca.

134. El Quim de la Boqueria

La Rambla, 91 (Mercat La Boqueria), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · El Raval · 166 tips and reviews

Inna I.Inna Ivanova: You'll probably wait for 30-40 mins just to have a seat, but what they make their is just fabulous!!! Believe you'll enjoy whatever you'll order!!! 1000% recommend!

135. Sagardi BCN Gòtic

C. de l'Argenteria, 62, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 126 tips and reviews

Dave R.Dave R: Great little tapas bar in the old town. Take cold nibbles from the bar, or wait until the waiters bring around hot bites. Keep the cocktail sticks - that's how they count how many you've had :)

136. Carlitos

Calvet 50 local 4, Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · Sant Gervasi-Galvany · 43 tips and reviews

GerardGerard: Uno de mis favoritos. Buena relación calidad-precio, buen ambiente y servicio. De las mejores croquetas que se pueden comer en Barcelona. Menú diario tambien muy bueno.

Delicias is one of Barca.

137. Delicias

C. Mühlberg, 1 (Ctra. del Carmel), Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · El Carmel · 85 tips and reviews

Hatquarters B.Hatquarters Born: El Mesón es de esos sitios sitios en Barcelona donde jamás Saldrás decepcionado. Las mejores tapas se pueden probar. Raciones generosas y muy bien de precio.

138. Bar del Pla

C. Montcada, 2, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 280 tips and reviews

Matt K.Matt Kern: The squid ink croquettes are incredible. And definitely don't miss the crispy beef and foie gras, an insane value at 5.80€.

139. Bambarol Bar Restaurant

santalo, 21, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · Sant Gervasi-Galvany · 46 tips and reviews

TripoboxTripobox: Amazing tapas! We'd definitely recommend their pa amb tomaquet, patatas bravas and chorizo scrambled eggs dish. They offer vegetarian options too, including a lovely watermelon, tomato and basil salad

La Flauta is one of Barca.

140. La Flauta

C. Aribau, 23 (C. del Consell de Cent), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 459 tips and reviews

Masha L.Masha Losyukova: This place has been serving tapas for 30 years and you can tell. Try the selection of the day or go for the sandwiches that are specialty of the house. Pictured is a foie gras tapas.

Cañete is one of Barca.

141. Cañete

C. Unió, 17, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · El Raval · 327 tips and reviews

Stephanie A.Stephanie Au: All the food are amazing! We had the croquette, aubergine with honey, razor clams, iberico pork fillet with mashed potatoes and creme brûlée. And the beer is a 'must try' too!

La Pubilla is one of Barca.

142. La Pubilla

Plaça de la Llibertat, 23, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 150 tips and reviews

Jen F.Jen Fry: 14 EUR 3-course lunch menu incl beer or wine. Absolutely one of the best meals I have had in Barcelona...don't miss a visit to here!

143. Santa Gula

Pl. Narcís Oller, 3, Barcelona, Catalunya
Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 163 tips and reviews

Fernando C.Fernando Covas: Amazing food. Menu is creative, yet simple, using the best local ingredients. Try the croquetas de calamares, tataki de atún, ravioles de setas, vieiras en papillote, & cheesecake de maracuyá.

Xurrería Manuel San Román is one of Barca.

144. Xurrería Manuel San Román

Banys Nous, 8, Barcelona, Catalunya
Snack Place · El Barri Gòtic · 72 tips and reviews

Michael H.Michael Horn: Authentic family-run churro shop since 1968. Get a bag of churros and a chocolate, walk over to the cathedral and eat on the benches with a view.

145. Xurreria Sagrada Familia

Plaça de la Sagrada Família, 26 (Sicilia), Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · Barri de la Sagrada Família · 30 tips and reviews

karukaru: Great Churros, also really thick ones filled with dulce de leche (condensed milk), also check out the freshly made potato chips

Granja La Pallaresa is one of Barca.

146. Granja La Pallaresa

C. Petritxol, 11, Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · El Barri Gòtic · 126 tips and reviews

147. Dulcinea

C. Petritxol, 2, Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · El Barri Gòtic · 82 tips and reviews

César C.César Carazo: Una de las chocolaterías con más solera de BCN (desde 1930). Todo está buenísimo, un placer el chocolate con churros o melindros cuando viene el frío. Los gofres también son muy ricos.

148. Granja M. Viader

Xuclà, 4-6, Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · El Raval · 136 tips and reviews

Akira F.Akira Flats Barcelona: Best hot chocolate in Barcelona. Their whipped cream is very thick, hand made! Try a suïs (chocolate + whipped cream) with melindros (leave churros for your Madrid visit) for a true Barcelona merienda

Caelum is one of Barca.

149. Caelum

C. Palla, 8 (C. Banys Nous), Barcelona, Catalunya
Dessert Shop · El Barri Gòtic · 125 tips and reviews

ANDRIES B.ANDRIES Brittz: Awesome atmosphere and great selection of cakes and pastries. Their selection of products to purchase is also very good with many traditional Catalán sweets. Perfect place for a cold afternoon

Pudding is one of Barca.

150. Pudding

C. Pau Clarís, 90, Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 277 tips and reviews

ManuelManuel: A cafe with a wonderful atmosphere. Entering feels like being in a fairy tale. The coffee is very good and the cake like homemade - for sure this place is worth a visit.

151. Casa Gispert

C. Sombrerers, 23, Barcelona, Catalunya
Gourmet Store · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 19 tips and reviews

Nils M.Nils Mattisson: One of the oldest shops in Barcelona, selling all kinds of roasted nuts, coffee, tea etc. Well worth a visit.

152. Caelum

C. Palla, 8 (C. Banys Nous), Barcelona, Catalunya
Dessert Shop · El Barri Gòtic · 125 tips and reviews

I Wanna Go ThereI Wanna Go There: If you need a break during your walk through the gothic district then you'll probably like this little coffee shop that sells delicious baked goods made in different convents and monasteries. Yummy! Read more.

Caelum is one of Barca.

153. Caelum

C. Palla, 8 (C. Banys Nous), Barcelona, Catalunya
Dessert Shop · El Barri Gòtic · 125 tips and reviews

Diego S.Diego Sartori: Dessert porn! Look for the almost secret stairs in the corner of the shop and downstairs you will find a beautiful place with amazing cakes.

154. Vila Viniteca

Carrer dels Agullers, 7, Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Store · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 39 tips and reviews

sesimsesim: Wonderful selection of cheeses and ibericos. Good to shop for way back home and also to sit and have a glass of wine accompanird by a plate of cheese and ibericos.

155. Vila Viniteca

Carrer dels Agullers, 7, Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Store · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 39 tips and reviews

Katerina Z.Katerina Zamilova: Great wine shop! A very wide range of alcohol. Prices start from €9 and end smth around 1000 (I'm not sure of it's a limit :)).Very professional guys will help you to make the right choice.

El Xampanyet is one of Barca.

156. El Xampanyet

C. Montcada, 22, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 472 tips and reviews

Jens L.Jens Löber: Great intimate place in el born. I highly recommend that place when you are in Barcelona. Get a bottle of cava (cheap!!!) and taste the fresh tapas. Awesome! Many locals there!

El Xampanyet is one of Barca.

157. El Xampanyet

C. Montcada, 22, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 472 tips and reviews

Leo G.Leo Gillick: An exceptional experience with some of the best tapas around. The atmosphere and energy of the place is electrifying. Don't worry about going to town on the menu and cava, the price will be minimal.

158. La Confitería

C. Sant Pau, 128, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · El Raval · 66 tips and reviews

BCNinternetBCNinternet: Really retains its turn-of-the-last-century charm. Beautiful art nouveau details, old-world atmosphere, good house vermouth, and decent gin and tonics. A Classic.

159. La Confitería

C. Sant Pau, 128, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · El Raval · 66 tips and reviews

sulivellasulivella: If you're in Barcelona, you have to go. A coffee morning, afternoon beers, a cocktail in the evening .Historic, beautiful and cinematic site - a little expensive - I recommend the vermouth on Sunday Read more.

La Bodega d'en Rafel is one of Barca.

160. La Bodega d'en Rafel

C. Manso, 52, Barcelona, Catalunya
Catalan Restaurant · Sant Antoni · 62 tips and reviews

EdnaEdna: Excellent food, price, and atmosphere; was surrounded by only locals when I visited. Get the ham and octopus for sure. Rafael is a sweet guy, say hi to him if he's behind the bar!

O Retorno is one of Barca.

161. O Retorno

Comte d'Urgell, 168 (C. Mallorca), Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 150 tips and reviews

Polina B.Polina Barbashov: Delicious fresh seafood. I advise to try a dish of octopus or royal prawns. Prices are acceptable.Before visiting check working hours , they are not always open.

Koska is one of Barca.

162. Koska

C. Blai, 8, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · El Poble Sec · 61 tips and reviews

Chico T.Chico Tóxico: Bar con carta de pinchos. Se come espectacular!!! Un MUST! Steak tartar, pulpo, tortilla de chorizo, chipirones rellenos... todo de 10. Pero el Apple Crumble es de ORGASMO!!! Y el café la guinda.

163. Can Paixano

C. Reina Cristina, 7 (C. Llauder), Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Bar · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 398 tips and reviews

Jimmy D.Jimmy Doux: The best tapas place to visit in BCN. Food is super tasty, their champagne is very nice and the prices are really low. You can actually buy bottles of their champagne for less than 3 eur. It's a must!

164. Allium

C. Call, 17, Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · El Barri Gòtic · 32 tips and reviews

Ann A.Ann Allega: Had to come back for a 2nd time! Even more outstanding than the first. Best food in Barcelona. Get the €15 three course deal for sure!

165. La Manual Alpargatera

C. d'Avinyó, 7 (C. de la Trinitat), Barcelona, Catalunya
Shoe Store · El Barri Gòtic · 22 tips and reviews

Kristoffer G.Kristoffer G: Only place to get hand made in spain espadrillos. Also check out the great bags!

Boca Chica is one of Barca.

166. Boca Chica

Passatge de la Concepció, 14 (Rambla de Catalunya), Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 187 tips and reviews

Christiana M.Christiana Makariou: loved this place! so stylish and classy! we sat at the terrace and had cocktails and they were excellent! amazing ambiance! try the amaretto sours and the Caipirinhia!

Botafumeiro is one of Barca.

167. Botafumeiro

Carrer Gran de Gracia, 81, bajos, Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 330 tips and reviews

CNNCNN: Best Seafood in the city. Botafumeiro gets busy in the evenings, so book in advance. Then give yourself half an hour for a glass of Cava at the long bar just inside the main entrance. Read more.

7 Portes is one of Barca.

168. 7 Portes

Passeig d'Isabel II, 14, Barcelona, Catalunya
Paella Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 557 tips and reviews

Gene S.Gene Soo: Great atmosphere at one of the oldest restaurant in Barcelona. A pianist plays hits songs adds to the vibe. There is no dress code but will be nice to dress up for a date at this restaurant.

169. Parc de Collserola

Parc de Collserola, Barcelona, Catalunya
National Park · 32 tips and reviews

Travel + LeisureTravel + Leisure: Its great hiking trails, with a wide variety of plants, are only a 30-minute drive north of the city center.

Carmel Bunkers is one of Barca.

170. Carmel Bunkers

(Búnkers del Carmel)
C. Marià Lavèrnia, Barcelona, Catalunya
Historic and Protected Site · El Carmel · 156 tips and reviews

Amanda B.Amanda Beth: The most beautiful views of Barcelona, in my opinion! You can take bus 24 from Plaça Catalunya and then walk up the hill (bring walking shoes!). A perfect place for a picnic

171. Montjuïc Mountain

(Muntanya de Montjuïc)
Montjuïc, Barcelona, Catalunya
Hill · Sants-Montjuïc · 162 tips and reviews

AB Apartment BarcelonaAB Apartment Barcelona: This immense green area is in fact the biggest park in Barcelona and is home to the likes of the Poble Espanyol open-air museum; the 1992 Olympic stadium and the Montjuïc castle. Read more.

172. Muntanya de Tibidabo

Serra de Collserola, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mountain · Sarrià-Sant Gervasi · 78 tips and reviews

GayCityTrips c.GayCityTrips com: Great place to see Barca from above. See the Temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and an entertainment park. Moving up with the old funicular and also discover the luxury villas at the bottom.

173. Jardins de Rubió i Lluch

C. de l'Hospital, 56, Barcelona, Catalunya
Garden · El Raval · 14 tips and reviews

Fabien B.Fabien Butazzi: One of my favourite places in Barcelona. I always come back here to relax.

La Rambla is one of Barca.

174. La Rambla

La Rambla (Rambla de Santa Mònica), Barcelona, Catalunya
Pedestrian Plaza · El Raval · 460 tips and reviews Barcelona's most popular street for tourists, but also for pickpockets! Take a look at our guide to beating the Barcelona tricksters to keep yourself and your possessions safe on Las Ramblas. Read more.

175. Plaça Reial

Plaça Reial, Barcelona, Catalunya
Plaza · El Barri Gòtic · 341 tips and reviews

The Urban Suites.comThe Urban If you go to Plaça Real pay atention to the 2 Gaudi Streetlights and don´t miss the opportunity of watching a jazz concert at Jamboree or an Indie one at Sidecar. Tarantos for flamenco!

Jamboree is one of Barca.

176. Jamboree

Plaça Reial, 17, Barcelona, Catalunya
Night Club · El Barri Gòtic · 71 tips and reviews

Apartment BarcelonaApartment Barcelona: This club is located by Las Ramblas and plays live music ranging from reggae to hip-hop, and of course jazz. Apartment Barcelona Tip: Go to the Jam sessions on Mondays at 8pm for €4. Read more.

177. Bodega Casas

C. de la Providència, 91 (C. de l'Escorial), Barcelona, Catalunya
Bar · La Vila de Gràcia · 27 tips and reviews

Vir C.Vir Cpls: Todavia conserva el encanto de las bodegas de barrio, vermut casero, buenos precios, calidad en los entrantes y bocadillos e inmejorable servicio!

Mercat de la Llibertat is one of Barca.

178. Mercat de la Llibertat

Plaça de la Llibertat, 4-7, Barcelona, Catalunya
Farmers Market · La Vila de Gràcia · 30 tips and reviews

179. Mercat del Ninot

C. de Mallorca, 157 (C. de Casanova), Barcelona, Catalunya
Market · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 42 tips and reviews

Matt N.Matt Ng: If you want a really authentic experience, visit this market! Upstairs a lot of fresh market foods and restaurants, downstairs a cheap supermarket. Metro Hospital Clinic.

Porvenir is one of Barca.

180. Porvenir

C. Villarroel, 157, Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 71 tips and reviews

Lidia G.Lidia Gon: Increible este sitio,buenisimo,raciones enormes y barato con buena calidad, nada que mejorar,como está todo tan bien hay que reservar con tiempo. Ejemplo,reservamos para 14 con 2 semanas de antelación

181. La Vermu

C. Sant Domènech, 15, Barcelona, Catalunya
Winery · La Vila de Gràcia · 28 tips and reviews

Eigil M.Eigil Moe: Authentic, lovely and beautiful. Or rustic if you want. Go with the locals. Try the vermut

182. La Vermuteria del Tano

Bruniquer, 30 (Joan Blanques), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 48 tips and reviews

Mar G.Mar Gonzalez: Go for the traditional vermouth to this place. An actual bodega. Usually accompanied by "olives" or "patates xips".(Typical for Saturday or Sunday before lunch from 11 to 12)

183. Ventuno

Carrer De L'or 21, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · La Vila de Gràcia · 11 tips and reviews

Patricia R.Patricia Ruda: Buenísimo! Te tomas un vermuth y 3 pinchos x 5 euros

Polleria Fontana is one of Barca.

184. Polleria Fontana

C. Sant Lluís, 9, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 39 tips and reviews

Aleksandra G.Aleksandra Garbacz: Got hungry late in the night? Head to Polleria in you're in Gracia. Try delicious octopus a la gallega and cod fish fritters, not to mention their famous croquettes. They accept small dogs too!

185. La Rovira

Plaça Rovira I Trias, Barcelona, Catalunya
Brewery · La Vila de Gràcia · 31 tips and reviews

Escott H.Escott Hayashidiaz: Nice assortment of artisanal beers with their own beers too. Great gem further up in Gracia.

Bodega Bonavista is one of Barca.

186. Bodega Bonavista

Bonavista 10, Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Store · La Vila de Gràcia · 13 tips and reviews

Jarle Z.Jarle Zachariassen: Best place to buy your wine in Barcelona. Stay for a glass or two with some nice cheese together with it. Chris and Marc are super helpful if you look for something special to bring back home.

187. Semproniana

C. Roselló, 148, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 62 tips and reviews

Culinary BackstreetsCulinary Backstreets: One of our favorite places for an excellent sit-down meal, serving classic Catalan food with creative twists. Every Saturday from 1:30-3:30 pm (Sept.- June) they offer a cooking workshop for kids. Read more.

CDLC is one of Barca.

188. CDLC

Pg. Marítim de la Barceloneta, 32, Barcelona, Catalunya
Night Club · La Barceloneta · 166 tips and reviews

Víctor G.Víctor García: The best place in town.The best location for a mix of indian, marroquian, asian and mediterranian restaurant . From 1am turns the best club in BCN. Great atmosphere, beautiful people , amazing service

Razzmatazz is one of Barca.

189. Razzmatazz

C. Almogàvers, 122, Barcelona, Catalunya
Night Club · El Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou · 190 tips and reviews

Ilkim A.Ilkim Altinordu: Very big club and gets full after 2am. There are some good stage shows and dj performances. If you are looking for a cool nightclub with lots of european students, this is your place.

El Asador de Aranda is one of Barca.

190. El Asador de Aranda

Avinguda del Tibidabo, 31, Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · Sant Gervasi-La Bonanova · 199 tips and reviews

AliAli: The baby lamb is so delicious and succulent. You don't wanna miss it while in Barcelona. The only problem is the lack of English speaking waitresses. Still so good!

O Retorniño is one of Barca.

191. O Retorniño

C. Rosselló, 147, Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 28 tips and reviews

NeoNeo: Excellent food, huge portions, friendly service & locals all over. Must eat octopus! Cheap and nice wines as a plus

Cera 23 is one of Barca.

192. Cera 23

Cera, 23, Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · El Raval · 192 tips and reviews

NicolasNicolas: The blackberry mojito are one of a kind, excellent. The food is extraordinary, ask for the foie gras ravioli. Last but not least, the service, perfect and with a smile. A must do when in Barcelona.

193. Caravelle

C. Pintor Fortuny, 31 (C. Doctor Dou), Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · El Raval · 228 tips and reviews

Amanda B.Amanda Beth: "The Full Spanglish" is so good. It comes with super tasty criollo sausage which makes it a Spanglish dish. Definitely a filling plate, so check it out if you're hungry!

194. Romesco

Carrer de Sant Pau, 28, Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · El Raval · 37 tips and reviews

Heidi P.Heidi Pun: Friends form Barcelona took us here to eat one night. One of those tiny, unknown, and lousy-looking restaurants that blow you away with amazing food. I'd recommend BBQ tuna or squid.

195. Ale & Hop

Basses de Sant Pere 10 (Cortinas), Barcelona, Catalunya
Brewery · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 128 tips and reviews

BCN M.BCN MES: Love it. Love it. So much we wrote about it: Read it. Love it.

Tartela is one of Barca.

196. Tartela

C. Llançà, 32 (Diputació), Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · La Nova Esquerra de l'Eixample · 113 tips and reviews

ProsserProsser: Great place for breakfast or lunch. Laid back feel and nice music. Design is cozy, trendy, rustic. Food was very good - we had the quiche and chocolate croissants. Service was good and speak English.

Ugot is one of Barca.

197. Ugot

C. Viladomat, 138 (C. Diputació), Barcelona, Catalunya
Breakfast Spot · La Nova Esquerra de l'Eixample · 209 tips and reviews

NarinaNarina: Brilliant brunch and coffee!! As a Melbournian, best coffee in Barcelona! Tasty shakshuka dish and the boys smashed chorizo, potatoes + eggs. The friendliest service we've experienced too!! ❤️

Elsa y Fred is one of Barca.

198. Elsa y Fred

C. Rec Comtal, 11, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 472 tips and reviews

Redwan M.Redwan Mousline: Staff is adorable and the food is amazing. The sangria is pricey, 15€ for a 75cl bottle is way too expensive but it is delicious. Try the squid and red tuna is was incredibly good!

199. Cassette Bar

Carrer de l'Est, 11, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · El Raval · 72 tips and reviews

E. D.E. D.: Very nice tiny bar, with a great choice of state of the art gin tonics (cucumber, ginger, tangerine...). The music is great too! Mainly locals.

XIX Bar is one of Barca.

200. XIX Bar

C. Rocafort, 19 (C. Tamarit), Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · Sant Antoni · 73 tips and reviews

Like A Local GuideLike A Local Guide: Probably the best bar in Barcelona regarding gin and tonics. This place has more than 80 references to gin and tonics for several different mixtures with cinnamon, ginger, mint, berries and cucumber. Read more.

201. L'Entresòl

C. Planeta, 39, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · La Vila de Gràcia · 39 tips and reviews

BCNinternetBCNinternet: Beware, you will not get out of here sober! The gin&tonic menu is massive, sure it will make you want to try them all... Cool place, nice people and always crowded.

Can Recasens is one of Barca.

202. Can Recasens

Rambla del Poblenou, 102, Barcelona, Catalunya
Catalan Restaurant · El Poblenou · 218 tips and reviews

Charlie W.Charlie Walton: This is a fabulous restaurant, the el cellar menu for 23€ is a must! Hams, cheeses, breads, desserts plus a bottle of wine. Great value fabulous venue and will definitely be going back!

203. Caribbean Club

Carrer del Sitges 5, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · El Raval · 15 tips and reviews

BCNinternetBCNinternet: The smaller sibling of Bar Boada. Same old-world vibe and excellent cocktails, but a smaller, more intimate space tucked down a tiny Raval street. Worth seeking out for a trip back in time!

El Velódromo is one of Barca.

204. El Velódromo

C. Muntaner, 213 (C. de Londres), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 297 tips and reviews

Mash Q.Mash Q: Best place in BCN! From breakfast, lunch to 4 star tapas and dinner. Service, quality, atmosphere all perfect! Try the Beef Chimichurri or the Aubergine with tomato. Gin Tonics in all flavours!

205. La Flauta

C. Aribau, 23 (C. del Consell de Cent), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 459 tips and reviews

Grete K.Grete Kiik: Really good tapas for great value. I would definately recommend this place. There was a line of people behind the door after 8 o'clock in the evening so better to go a bit earlier to get the table

206. La Flauta

C. Aribau, 23 (C. del Consell de Cent), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 459 tips and reviews

Escott H.Escott Hayashidiaz: A bit touristy, but locals enjoy this place as well. Nice mid range meal option with a nice representation of more modern style tapas. Same owners as Ciudad Condal and Ceveceria Catalana.

En Ville is one of Barca.

207. En Ville

C. Doctor Dou, 14 (C. dels Elisabets), Barcelona, Catalunya
Bistro · El Raval · 75 tips and reviews

ManuelManuel: The daily menu (menu del dia) is spectacular and at a price of 9,90€ a total bargain. 3 courses of excellent food. Only during lunch time.

208. Gran Bodega Saltó

C. Blesa, 36, Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Bar · El Poble Sec · 34 tips and reviews

BCNinternetBCNinternet: The offbeat whimsical decorations alone are worth a visit. The good wine and vermouth (it is a real bodega, after all) and authentic local atmosphere will make you come back again and again.

El Rey de la Gamba is one of Barca.

209. El Rey de la Gamba

Pg. Joan de Borbó, Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · La Barceloneta · 179 tips and reviews

PiccololasPiccololas: Don't be confused with no.2 nearby. Food is better here. Portion is real big! Black paella, fried squid, mussels are good. Not sure able about the wine they have

210. El Rey de la Gamba

Pg. Joan de Borbó, Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · La Barceloneta · 179 tips and reviews

Conor 林.Conor 林诺 コナー: Can't go wrong here. Hearty, tasty seafood, well priced and in a good location just overlooking the harbour at Barceloneta

Can Majó is one of Barca.

211. Can Majó

C. Almirall Aixada, 23, Barcelona, Catalunya
Paella Restaurant · La Barceloneta · 119 tips and reviews

Richard F.Richard Foo: The best paella I've ever tasted! Hands down. Try the Lobster and Shellfish Paella and Rice with Crayfish and clams. Excellent. For starters order the grilled calamari and razor clams.

Restaurante Salamanca is one of Barca.

212. Restaurante Salamanca

Carrer de L'Almirall Cervera, 34, Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · La Barceloneta · 251 tips and reviews

Anna T.Anna Teper: A must place to visit! Perfect sea food and whole big 2-floored restoraunt decorated with photos of the host - you can see him aging! Amazing.

213. Restaurante Salamanca

Carrer de L'Almirall Cervera, 34, Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · La Barceloneta · 251 tips and reviews

Marcos P.Marcos Placona: Super touristy place but with great food for the location. I had the paella and a mixed salad and it was yummy. The service is not great but acceptable. Gets busy at lunch, so get a table early.

Freixa Tradició is one of Barca.

214. Freixa Tradició

Sant Elies, 22, Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · Sant Gervasi-Galvany · 12 tips and reviews

ᴡ J.ᴡ Joy: Прекрасный сервис! Отличное шампанское! Невероятная каталонская кухня! Брали салат из помидор, аспарагус с майонезом, хек и мясная фрикаделька с трюфелем и морепродуктами, все на уровне!

215. Monvínic

Diputació, 249 (Rambla Catalunya), Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Bar · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 84 tips and reviews

Nikiforos S.Nikiforos Skaris: Huge variety of wines (about 2.500!! but only 55 you can try in glass). You pick your wine from a tablet. Staff is very friendly and helpful! My favorite red Les Fontaines Pinot. Must for wine lovers!

216. Lolita Taperia

Tamarit 104 (Rocafort), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Antoni · 162 tips and reviews

Monica B.Monica Bringle: Fantastic, gourmet tapas at a great price. The bread, olive olive, chocolate & sea salt dessert is to die for! Second time I've been here and the place does not disappoint!

Viblioteca is one of Barca.

217. Viblioteca

Carrer de les Guilleries, 10, Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Bar · La Vila de Gràcia · 78 tips and reviews

Natalia G.Natalia Głyda: little cozy place para tomar una copa de vino, take tabla de quesos and olives, really good and tasty, helpful service, vamos a repetir!

218. Bodega La Puntual

C. Montcada, 22, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 112 tips and reviews

Natalia G.Natalia Głyda: very tasty Spanish tapas and wine, bodega is very big and spacious so it's also a good option for a group of people 👌🏼

219. Nømad Coffee Lab & Shop

Ptge. Sert, 12 (C. de Trafalgar), Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 221 tips and reviews

Natalia G.Natalia Głyda: un sito escondido, muy tranquilo y chulo, for real coffee lovers, buenísimo café

Boldú is one of Barca.

220. Boldú

C. de Provença, 233 (Rambla de Catalunya), Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 47 tips and reviews

Alèxia S.Alèxia Solé: Sweet or salty, both options are great here for breakfast or snack. Though I would strongly recommend to try the renowned "bolduman" (at least once!) The place is cofy and pleasant, as well as quiet.

221. Bodega Pàdua

C. Pàdua, 92, Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Bar · Sarrià-Sant Gervasi · 29 tips and reviews

Irene C.Irene Civico: Menú de mediodía insuperable por la variedad y la calidad. Y esa terraza da media vida. Y, claro, después está lo del loro...

El Petit is one of Barca.

222. El Petit

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 677 (btwn c/ Nàpols & c/ Roger de Flor), Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 189 tips and reviews

Rafael M.Rafael Marin: Charming place with the Little Prince as a leitmotif. The poached eggs were outstandingly delicious. Also the cappuccino. On top of that, very friendly waiters, always smiling. Two thumbs up!

223. Telefèric

Plaça Letamendi 27, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 77 tips and reviews

Good2b ..Good2b .es: Los mejores pintxos de la zona. Los más recomendables: el de foie cararamelizado a la plancha con manzana, el de atún marinado estilo sashimi , así como la croqueta de bacalao con crema de ceps Read more.

224. L'Antic Teatre

C. Verdaguer i Callís, 12 (C. de Sant Pere Més Alt), Barcelona, Catalunya
Beer Garden · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 147 tips and reviews

Aleksandra G.Aleksandra Garbacz: Best kept Bcn's secret. I bet that's how Alice felt when she entered the wonderland through a rabbit hole. What a magic place! Always good for a glass of vermut or clara. Bring your dog if you like!

Bollocks is one of Barca.

225. Bollocks

C. Ample, 46, Barcelona, Catalunya
Bar · El Barri Gòtic · 58 tips and reviews

BrianBrian: Great bar with tremendus taste Of music ! Kvelertak, pantera, new or old stuffs. Beer is cheap and good quality as the burgers! Décoration is made Of DIY and looks. Best place for rock n roll people

226. Manchester

C. Milans, 5, Barcelona, Catalunya
Bar · El Barri Gòtic · 68 tips and reviews

Andre M.Andre Mohr: Great music at good levels. Cheap drinks during happy hour until 22:30. Sadly they serve Heineken as house beer

227. 33/45

C. Joaquín Costa, 4, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · El Raval · 90 tips and reviews

NevermoreNevermore: Probably one of the best bars in BCN on my opinion. Always good music, cocktails, atmosphere and people around you. Defiantly would recommend to visit.

228. 33/45

C. Joaquín Costa, 4, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · El Raval · 90 tips and reviews

Aleksandra G.Aleksandra Garbacz: One of my favorite spots in Raval. Always packed on the weekend with fun crowd in combination with cheap drinks makes a perfect mix for me!

229. La Cava (de la Pepita)

C. Còrsega, 339, Barcelona, Catalunya
Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 26 tips and reviews

Dona V.Dona Vivis: the kitchen is very creative and tasty, the service is very good. You can have a drink in the bar at the entrance while watching the rear facade of Casa Comalat

230. La Cava (de la Pepita)

C. Còrsega, 339, Barcelona, Catalunya
Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 26 tips and reviews

Kamil G.Kamil Gorlo: We ended up here because there was no place in La Pepita, but we do not regret ;) Very fresh and creative tapas, salmon ceviche was delicious, but to be honest everything was great!

Poble Espanyol is one of Barca.

231. Poble Espanyol

Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 13, Barcelona, Catalunya
Historic and Protected Site · Sants-Montjuïc · 216 tips and reviews

Andrij K.Andrij Krochak: A great example of what Spanish architecture is like in various villages and regions. There are also many quaint shops and restaurants to keep you busy during your stay.

232. Museu Blau

Pl. Leonardo da Vinci, 4-5, Barcelona, Catalunya
Science Museum · El Besòs i el Maresme · 51 tips and reviews

Pablo R.Pablo Raul: Outstanding architecture

Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) is one of Barca.

233. Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA)

Pl. dels Àngels, 1, Barcelona, Catalunya
Art Museum · El Raval · 199 tips and reviews

Remi L.Remi Lefevre: Catch a break from the downtown heat with some local contemporary art: the building itself justifies a visit. Whilst collections vary in quality, there is always more than one so you can't go wrong.

234. Quimet & Quimet

C. Poeta Cabanyes, 25, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · El Poble Sec · 323 tips and reviews

Aleksandra G.Aleksandra Garbacz: Yes, yes, yes - you cannot go wrong about this place - everything was delicious. Prepare for making your way through, place gets packed no matter what time you come

235. El Colectivo

C. del Pintor Fortuny, 22 (C. del Notariat), Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · El Raval · 67 tips and reviews

Naspe S.Naspe Sagir: Perfect music, coffee, apple pie and stuff. Try it for breakfast or just drink a coffee. By the way it's cheap.

Las Sorrentinas is one of Barca.

236. Las Sorrentinas

Plaça Sant Pere, 5, Barcelona, Catalunya
Italian Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 98 tips and reviews

Victoria Jane W.Victoria Jane Williams: Fresh pasta made on the premises, Great value Menu Del Dia @ 8.50 EUR for a 1st, 2nd plate, includes bread, but no drink. Quirky, Local, Friendly Good Quality :)

237. Bitte

C. Londres, 87, Barcelona, Catalunya
Restaurant · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 38 tips and reviews

SharmaSharma: A fantastic spot to get the best of organic cocktails, cakes and juices. They grow all their own produce and you can tell that they really care about the ingredients and the food...

Restaurant Portolès is one of Barca.

238. Restaurant Portolès

Diputació, 375, Barcelona, Catalunya
Catalan Restaurant · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 39 tips and reviews

ivan l.ivan loza: Very local, very tasty. Simple and very very good. Amazing grilled lamb, very good grilled seafood. Lamb kidneys were delicious.

239. El Born

Passeig del Born, 26, Barcelona, Catalunya
Café · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 57 tips and reviews

Beth G.Beth Gossip: Very cosy coffee shop with great coffee and a nice sandwich spread. Not many vegan options though. It's pet friendly so bring your dog 😊 Also a lovely place to have a few drinks at night

240. Farigola Born

Carrer Del Davant Del Portal Nou (Portal Nou), Barcelona, Abierto
Gastropub · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 51 tips and reviews

Maksim S.Maksim Solomatin: Potatoes with romeslo sauce, carrot cake were very tasty! Nice atmosphere and friendly stuff! Recommend!:)

241. El Born Centre Cultural

Pl. Comercial, 12 (C. de la Fusina), Barcelona, Catalunya
Cultural Center · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 82 tips and reviews

Josephine .Josephine 🐶: A must-see historic site when you are in the neighborhood.

Hotel Barceló Raval is one of Barca.

242. Hotel Barceló Raval

Rambla del Raval, 17, Barcelona, Catalunya
Hotel · El Raval · 94 tips and reviews

Aries C.Aries Criscione: Very nice hotel and good trainer staff! Upgrade to a superior room on 10th floor . Wonderful view of Barcelona from the terrace good cocktail and services

243. Taberna Blai Tonight

Carrer Blai 23-25, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · El Poble Sec · 186 tips and reviews

Anna P.Anna Peskova: i really liked this specific and nice place: all the tapas for 1€! unbelievable, right?) try as much tapas as you can eat. they're very delicious! I promise you 😉

La Oveja Negra is one of Barca.

244. La Oveja Negra

C. Sitges, 5, Barcelona, Catalunya
Beer Bar · El Raval · 191 tips and reviews
Lo Pinyol is one of Barca.

245. Lo Pinyol

C. Torrent de L'Olla, 7 (Còrsega), Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Bar · La Vila de Gràcia · 97 tips and reviews

Aleksandra Z.Aleksandra Zhukova: Sangria was good,but what was great - are the starters the waiter advices us. 3 kinds of starters with seafood,foigras 3 pieces of each and 4 sangrias cost us just 18 euro)

246. Rabipelao

C. Mercè, 26 (La Plata), Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · El Barri Gòtic · 67 tips and reviews

Emma I.Emma Ivanova: Great cocktails, ranged 4-6 eur. Apart from the mojito, I recommend the Dirty Rita cocktail, comes with forest fruits and limes, it's soo refreshing!

247. Les Tres a la Cuina

Sant Lluís, 35, Barcelona, Catalunya
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 29 tips and reviews

Susana P.Susana Perez: Delicious freshly cooked healthy food!! Cheap and gorgeous! Fantastic ideas for presents and most importantly, supper friendly and always smiling chefs! A must if you are in Gracia!

Rosa Negra is one of Barca.

248. Rosa Negra

Via Laietana, 46, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mexican Restaurant · El Barri Gòtic · 280 tips and reviews

ConnecTheWorldConnecTheWorld: Famous not only for it's Mexican food but also for the awesome Mojitos for only 3.50€! Read it on our guide of the Best and Cheapest Mojito Bars in Barcelona, click here! Read more.

249. El Bombón

C. Mercè, 13 bis, Barcelona, Catalunya
Bar · El Barri Gòtic · 63 tips and reviews

Emily N.Emily Nguyen: Cocktails is a must. 3eur for small mojito. 6 eur for piña colada, big mojito... Good value! One of the best piña colada I have ever tried.They also have bar food. Cuban, carribean music.

Domino Bar by Bierzofood is one of Barca.

250. Domino Bar by Bierzofood

Carrer de les Flors 16 (Carrer Sant Pau), Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · El Raval · 100 tips and reviews

Domino Bar by BierzofoodDomino Bar by Bierzofood: de 13:00 a 21:00 tapa gratis-bravas-montaditos-pizza-patacones-chorizo al vino-etc. con tu check-in y bebida

251. Chicha Limoná

Pg. de Sant Joan, 80 (Carrer Aragó), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 82 tips and reviews

Aleksandra G.Aleksandra Garbacz: Delicious dishes served in an original way. Overall a great experience, very attentive service, portions could be a bit bigger for that price but will come back for sure as they are dog-friendly!

252. Mitja Vida

Brusi, Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Bar · Sant Gervasi-Galvany · 41 tips and reviews

AlberuAlberu: This is an authentic barcelonian vermouth venue. Only if you are into the real stuff and want to escape the tourist's traps and mingle with the locals.

253. Dalt de Tot

C. Saragossa, 66, Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Bar · Sarrià-Sant Gervasi · 29 tips and reviews

Andrea G.Andrea Grasso: Great place for quality of food and wines as well as the awesome atmosphere.

254. Plaça de la Vila de Gràcia

Pl. de la Vila de Gràcia, Barcelona, Catalunya
Plaza · La Vila de Gràcia · 48 tips and reviews

MatthiasMatthias: Walk around this colourful square on a sunny day you'll feel the charm and tradition of the village atmosphere. The plaza is filled with cafes, terraces and small shops frequented mostly by locals.

255. Bar Bodega Quimet

C. de Vic, 23, Barcelona, Catalunya
Wine Bar · La Vila de Gràcia · 83 tips and reviews

Andre M.Andre Mohr: Classic tapas bar where locals clearly outnumber tourists. Prices are reasonable although it's not as cheap as it looks. Tapas and house wine very good. Count on 20€ with wine for two

256. Gasterea

Carrer Verdi 39 (Carrer de l'Or), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 80 tips and reviews

Eddie M.Eddie M: Simply amazing food. This is my favorite tapas place, way better than cerveceria catalana which is more for tourists.

257. Minyam

Carrer de Pujades, 187, Barcelona, Catalunya
Restaurant · El Poblenou · 20 tips and reviews

luiz g.luiz g: Atmosphere good tapas fresh looking in pobleneau

258. La Caravana

Carrer de Mozart, 17 (Carrer de Jesús), Barcelona, Catalunya
Falafel Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 46 tips and reviews

Yoav Z.Yoav Zimmerman: Great hole in the wall place. Top notch falafel and hummus.

El Ciclista is one of Barca.

259. El Ciclista

Mozart, 18, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · La Vila de Gràcia · 26 tips and reviews

Marie T.Marie T: Witch bar would you recommend to a hipster? This one! It's cool and the interior is made of bike parts. A very nice, quiet place to have a beer.

La Singular is one of Barca.

260. La Singular

Francisco Giner, 50, Barcelona, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 97 tips and reviews

Lauri K.Lauri Kinkar: This place is absolutely breathtakingly awesome. I've never had food as good as here. Worth to book plane tickets to Barcelona just to get a taste of their baby squid or lamb chops.

261. Plaça de la Virreina

Pl. de la Virreina, Barcelona, Catalunya
Plaza · La Vila de Gràcia · 39 tips and reviews

Mark F.Mark Farre: Es la plaza más conocida de gracia, con su iglesia sant Joan, sus bares y terracitas fuera en la hace irrepetible al lado de la plaza del diamant..te lo dice un gracienc

262. Be House

C. de Bonavista, 7, Barcelona, Catalunya
Miscellaneous Store · La Vila de Gràcia · 21 tips and reviews

Nacho S.Nacho Sánchez: Looking for a gift with a touch of design? Buy clothes, mugs, books, and techie presents.

263. Turris

C. Gran de Gràcia, 34, Barcelona, Catalunya
Bakery · La Vila de Gràcia · 24 tips and reviews

Nacho S.Nacho Sánchez: The best bread in Barcelona. Try the Xusco Clàsic or the Rodó de Espelta. Also great croissants and small pastries.

264. Ramona

Roger de Flor, 262, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · Gràcia · 36 tips and reviews

Noah C.Noah Cuni: Best bravas! Nice place...good prices and good tapas!

Bar But is one of Barca.

265. Bar But

C. Bonavista, 8, Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 33 tips and reviews

Jaime R.Jaime Ramos: De esos sitios que te hacen sentirte como en casa ... Comida sana y rica , dueños encantadores y grupos de gente de todas partes

266. Granja Petitbo

Pg. de Sant Joan, 82, Barcelona, Catalunya
Breakfast Spot · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 443 tips and reviews

Jaime R.Jaime Ramos: De los mejores brunch de Barcelona

267. El Vaso de Oro

C. Balboa, 6 (C. Sant Miquel), Barcelona, Catalunya
Beer Bar · La Barceloneta · 229 tips and reviews

Nadal B.Nadal BV: One of the best tapas bar in bcn. Best beers as well. Authentic enviroment. Ask for the meat with foie and do not miss the ensaladilla rusa. If you try it you will not be dissapointed!!!

268. Satan's Coffee

C. Arc de Sant Ramon del Call, 11, Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · El Barri Gòtic · 348 tips and reviews

Adam R.Adam Ross: For those who like real coffee and are struggling to find a good one. The cold brew and aero press were excellent. This is off the tourist trail and a great escape from chain coffee shops.

269. Paradiso

C. Rera Palau, 4, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 132 tips and reviews

Anna Giselle ToroAnna Giselle Toro: The place to be right now. Stylish interior and fun atmosphere, young crow and amazing cocktails for reasonable price. If you are lucky you can smoke yourself into their private room. 🙈

270. Creps al Born

Passeig del Born 12, Barcelona, Catalunya
Cocktail Bar · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 111 tips and reviews

Aleksandra G.Aleksandra Garbacz: There is a reason why it's always packed - amazing cocktails, great people behind the bar and fun crowd inside. Perfect combination for a splendid night out!

Bar Lobo is one of Barca.

271. Bar Lobo

C. Pintor Fortuny, 3, Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · El Raval · 491 tips and reviews

Martina I.Martina Illys: Chef puts a great spin on classic Spanish tapas. About 5 well-chosen tapas should be enough for 2. Can't miss: patatas bravas (trust me, really!), octopus&croquets. Come at 20:00 to avoid waiting long

Boca Grande is one of Barca.

272. Boca Grande

Passatge de la Concepció, 12 (E/ Passeig de Gràcia y Rambla Catalunya), Barcelona, Catalunya
Spanish Restaurant · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 432 tips and reviews

Cenk K.Cenk Kiral: Wonderful and very authentic place. The food ıs delicious. Also check out the toillettes, which are some of the most original ones.

273. Hidden Café Barcelona

C. de Constança (C. de Deu i Mata), Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · Les Corts · 100 tips and reviews

Jay S.Jay Staniland: Trendy artesanal coffee shop. Locally sourced good tasting coffee.

274. Bar Mariatchi

Codols 14, Barcelona, Catalunya
Dive Bar · El Barri Gòtic · 21 tips and reviews

Dave S.Dave S: My favorite bar in Barcelona, El Mariachi is run by Manu Chao. Order a chupito of the house shot, a sweet vermouth.

275. Stoke

C. Banys Nous, 8, Barcelona, Catalunya
Dive Bar · El Barri Gòtic · 33 tips and reviews

Stuart J.Stuart Jones: Amazing tapas! The home made croquettes were delicious and creative! Mojitos perfect. Beautiful atmosphere and beAutiful bar staff!

Kӕlderkold is one of Barca.

276. Kӕlderkold

C. Cardenal Casañas, 7, Barcelona, Catalunya
Beer Bar · El Barri Gòtic · 104 tips and reviews

EdnaEdna: Good craft beer selection, but also good beer cocktails (like Weiss & Picon or Micheladas) and spritzes (like the Alfonso: cava, vermut, and bitters)

277. Manchester

C. Valldonzella, 40, Barcelona, Catalunya
Dive Bar · El Raval · 43 tips and reviews

Ignacia G.Ignacia Ghon: Acogedor bar con la mejor música de la ciudad. Los camareros son muy simpáticos y hay happy hour de cócteles y copas. No se pueden perder los mojitos. Aceptan peticiones musicales, todo un clásico.

Bar Electricitat is one of Barca.

278. Bar Electricitat

C. San Carles, 15 (C. Atlàntida, 61), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Barceloneta · 74 tips and reviews

Peter D.Peter Durben: Want to feel like a local? Go here. Super cheap, no English spoken or written and delicious wine and vermouth.

279. Bar Electricitat

C. San Carles, 15 (C. Atlàntida, 61), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Barceloneta · 74 tips and reviews

Enric G.Enric Gisbert: Bar de tapas autentico. Hay que que dejarser recomendar. Famoso vermouth homemade. No es de estilo moderno, y esa es la gracia. Hay que compartir mesa. El lacón està increible.

280. Can Llobet

Doctor Robert,1, Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, Catalunya
Mediterranean Restaurant · 10 tips and reviews

Frederic R.Frederic Raventos: muy buena comida, buen trato y local agradable.

281. Restaurante Martínez

Ctra. de Miramar, 38 (Pl. Carles Ibáñez), Barcelona, Catalunya
Paella Restaurant · El Poble Sec · 154 tips and reviews

Alex M.Alex M: One of the best places i've ever been to. There's a magnificient sight of Barcelona, the Monjuic park embracing you, fantastic design and sound!

282. Ølgod

Hospital 74 (Roig), Barcelona, Catalunya
Beer Bar · El Raval · 24 tips and reviews

Danica V.Danica Vujosevic: Good craft beers! You can ask the staff to give you a bit of each beer so you can try and see which one you like the most. Cozy atmosphere definitely check it out! :)

283. Bar Centro

Carrer de Casp, 55 (Bailen), Barcelona, Catalunya
Burger Joint · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 80 tips and reviews

Randy F.Randy Freeland: Great craft beers and a pretty knowledgeable beer tender. Gave us some great tips about other places to visit.

Chivuo's is one of Barca.

284. Chivuo's

C. Torrent de l'Olla, 175, Barcelona, Catalunya
Sandwich Spot · La Vila de Gràcia · 175 tips and reviews

Dexter F.Dexter Freshman: Awesome IPA, small but perfect menu. Burgers and pulled pork are recommended. €9 for mains with fritas, beers around €3.50. Friendly staff. 30 mins walk from Park Guell ;-) no regrets.

285. CocoVail Beer Hall

Carrer Aragó 284 bis (Passeig de Gracia), Barcelona, Catalunya
Beer Bar · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 92 tips and reviews

Ivan M.Ivan Marevic: Great place to hang out with friends and enjoy a cold and refreshing beer. Trying out the great variety of beers truly is a unique experience.The staff is really friendly and welcoming.

BrewDog is one of Barca.

286. BrewDog

C. Casanova, 69 (C. del Consell de Cent), Barcelona, Catalunya
Beer Bar · L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample · 85 tips and reviews

Anton S.Anton Skrypnyk: Yo yo yo! I love this place. craft beer for people👍 try ale and black with high alcohol!- wow !!!!

Pudding Coffee Shop is one of Barca.

287. Pudding Coffee Shop

Avenida Diagonal 515, Barcelona, Catalunya
Coffee Shop · Sant Gervasi-Galvany · 26 tips and reviews
Lluritu is one of Barca.

288. Lluritu

Torrent De Les Flors, Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · La Vila de Gràcia · 16 tips and reviews
Mundial Bar is one of Barca.

289. Mundial Bar

Plaça Sant Agustí Vell, 1, Barcelona, Catalunya
Seafood Restaurant · Sant Pere-Santa Caterina i la Ribera · 68 tips and reviews
Betlem Miscelánea Gastronómica is one of Barca.

290. Betlem Miscelánea Gastronómica

C. Girona, 70 (C. Consell de Cent), Barcelona, Catalunya
Tapas Restaurant · La Dreta de l'Eixample · 200 tips and reviews

291. El Tío Che

Rambla del Poblenou, 44, TDA, Barcelona, Catalunya
Ice Cream Parlor · El Poblenou · 131 tips and reviews

Aleksandra G.Aleksandra Garbacz: El Tio Che is a legend! Known mostly for their refreshing horchata drink, but I value most their artesanal ice cream. Line might scare you a bit, but it's totally worth waiting!!!

Sil's Cakes is one of Barca.

292. Sil's Cakes

C. del Torrent de l'Olla, 62 (C. de Tordera), Barcelona, Catalunya
Dessert Shop · La Vila de Gràcia · 29 tips and reviews
Lukumas is one of Barca.

293. Lukumas

C. Torrent de l'Olla, 169 (C. de Biada), Barcelona, Catalunya
Donut Shop · La Vila de Gràcia · 89 tips and reviews