This new-world delicatessen, a Noho spin-off of the Brooklyn flagship, won the title of Best Sandwich Shop in 2013. Read more.
This downtown-meets-Chinatown den pleases both Instagram-happy young’uns and Mandarin-fluent grannies. Winner of the 2013 Best Second Act award, as the sophomore effort from Xi’an Famous Foods. Read more.
NYers keep turning out in droves at this nondescript storefront, dabbing their sweat-beaded brows & fanning their overheated mouths for relief from chili-oil-soaked peanut noodles & peppered pickles. Read more.
NY’s new Pok Pok is even better than the West Coast original. The wait-time for a taste of garlicky muu kham waan & incendiary duck laap can be interminable. Bangkok, though, is a 25-hr flight away. Read more.
This pasta lover's dream won the 2013 Best New Italian Spot award. From an open kitchen, Chef Toscano dispatches blackened tentacles of meaty octopus and gorgeous pastas woven around cockscombs. Read more.