This is one of the best you can find in Smichov area. There are typical vietnamese meals as Pho, but also Banh Cuon (Rice Rolls) which you can find only here or in Sapa. Highly recommended !!!
Nearly every main course is 99Kč & is authentic, fresh & filling. I've been to Vietnam & the pho is on par with the real deal. Finish up with a traditional Vietnamese coffee. Nice, honest service too.
As a Vietnamese, i honestly don't recommend you this place - very hostile staff, although i spoke vietnamese with them. They just let me wait 20 mins with no sorry. The owner told me to go elsewhere.
Jistota,pokud chcete ochutnat kvalitní vietnamské speciality.Jediná škoda je menu, kde je bunbo nambo i bun cha přeložené do češtiny - zeptejte obsluhy,jinak ho mezi hovězím na 100 způsobů nenajdete.