"Lepsi pivo v okoli jizaku najdete jen tezko. Mliko, snytek, hladinka... Proste jak v Plzni."
· Praha, Česká republika
8.9"Great vibe on weekends and one of the best room out-of-window views I have ever experienced. Accompdation is decent. Evening beer on the sunlit grass with table mou tain view is a bloubergstrand must."
· iKapa, iNingizimu Afrika
8.4"One of the best culinary experiences of my life. You can go for anything here."
"Quite noisy, expensive, cold and not well equiped. Be prepared to hear lift door smahing and planes from CDG every half a minute. Breakfasts are au contrair quite good though."
· Roissy-en-France, France
7.2"Takhle hnusny jidlo za 250 korun nevarila ani moje bejvala. Nechodit sem!"
· Karlovy Vary, Česká republika
5.2"Nic nez pho tu nehledejte, ovsem to co tu najdete stoji za to."
· Praha, Česká republika