Only museum in the world dedicated to neon, electric and kinetic art, with several famous instances signs from LA's past in their collection. They also give bus tours of current neon in LA.
On select Saturday evenings, the museum runs a Neon Cruise in a double-decker bus that drives all through downtown L.A., giving a very informative history of the city through its neon signage.
The museum is very cool, but also very small so it won't take you more than 30 minutes to get through. Best to make a day of it and plan several downtown stops along with the MONA.
Just 15-20% of the museum's neon collection is on display at any one time. Won't take long to see it all at this temporary location, but it sure is beautiful stuff.
I checked it out during the Artwalk and the majority of the MONA was blocked off for what looked like a private party. It's small to begin with, so didn't see too many pieces.
The mission of the Museum of Neon Art is to encourage learning... and curiosity through the preservation, collection and interpretation of neon art.(Show more)