This station provides transfers to lines that can take you through Pg County and NoVA, as well as commuter bus access to SoMD. It's also a pretty darn cool station.
If you're traveling with a large group, like a school. Know where you're going especially if traveling during rush hour. Ppl will have ZERO patience for you, and move out the way if you see runners.
If you're catching the Orange or Blue line, go to the front of the're almost always guaranteed a seat. BE CAREFUL CATCHING THE GREEN LINE DURING A NATIONALS GAME.
The 74 bus goes to Waterfront metro, L'Enfant Plaza, Archives, Gallery Place and Convention Center. Exit Branch Ave/7th St side. Handy if there are metro delays.
To transfer to the blue/orange line trains in the direction of largo/new carrolton & franc'springfield/vienna head to the lower level. Be mindful of which platform u r on for your green/yellow train.
This is the metro stop nearest our entrance. Take the Metro to L'Enfant Plaza and exit through Maryland Avenue and 7th Street, SW to enter the Capital Gallery Building where we're located.
Safety tip 4 all new visitors 2 DC. Stand 2 the right on escalators, don't crowd the doors, if u see one running more r coming make way & finally stroller user take the elevators. Welcome 2 L'Enfant.
If you're not familiar with rush hr metro traffic and the Washington Dc area then make sure to plan ahead for heavy crowds! On the escalators stay to your right if you're not walking up.
If you're going in the direction of New Carrollton, be careful not to board a blue train by mistake. If you stay on too long you'll have to go back the way you came to re-board the Orange
Pretty safe from my experience. At night you will see strange things but, you will also see random police bag checks and Metro personnel station at each location.