What a wonderful place! If you're looking for some peace in the middle of this tourism craziness you need to go here. Was worth the entrance fee of 10€. The garden is small but really nice.
Amongst the cypresses geometrically placed along the main track there is the so-called “Goethe’s Cypress”, a cypress older than 600 years and mentioned by the famous German writer.
Historical Notes. The Giusti Garden is one of the most beautiful late renaissance Italian gardens, which belongs to and is the splendid annex to Giusti Palace. Began at the end of the sixteenth
Не забудьте подняться на самый верх по винтовой лестнице в башне. Оттуда открывается очень красивый вид на город. Отличное место для уединения и релаксации.
Прекрасный сад, с самой высокой точки которого, открывается вид на город. Фонтаны с черепахами и рыбами, улитки, и пение птиц. Не возможно не влюбиться в сад и в город!
Huzur verici bir ortam. Kafa dinlemek icin ideal. Fakat uzun zaman gecirebilmek icin havanin guzel olmasi gerek. 7 euroluk giris ucreti biraz fazla. Ozellikle kis ayinda geldiyseniz.
Magnifico Palazzo nel cuore di Verona,della famiglia dei Conti Giusti del Giardino;parco all'italiana,molto particolare con grotte,balconcini panoramici,ninfei e fontane con giochi d'acqua