Gorgeous gallery full of many beautiful paintings and rooms to explore. Audio tours come with purchase of ticket. A must see! Permanent collection of many works one an not see elsewhere
An amazing private art collection in one of the more beautiful villas in Rome. Paintings and sculpture by Caravaggio, Tiziano (Titian), Bernini, Velasquez, and more.
Less daunting but equally rewarding, Galleria Doria Pamphilj (0039 06 679 7323; open daily 9am-7pm; dopart.it) houses more Caravaggios as well as works by Breughels, Titian, Raphael and Velasquez.
Guided tour with live Baroque musicArt: Caravaggio, Bernini, Velàzquez, Tiziano, Raffaello. Music: Frescobaldi, Monteverdi, Falconieri Organic: Soprano, Traversa and Percussions, Baroque guitar. Read more
Every Saturday at 11:00 am: "Sound and visions of Caravaggio" - guided tour through the Galleria Doria Pamphilj with live baroque music played on orginal instuments of that time. Read more
No Parkin available - Pedestrian Route partially accessible by wheelchair - WC inaccessible - Entrance: Uncovered, escort NOT required, same level entrance - Telephone: +39-066797323 Read more
Well, the collection is impressive - Rafael, Caravaggio, Tizian, Durer, but the way pictures are presented is awful: bad light, some pictures are too high to see, there is no name of the pictures!
The Gallery is a large art collection housed in the Palazzo Doria Pamphilj. The collection of paintings, furniture and statuary has been assembled since the 16th century
Нетипичный частный музей, аудиогид будет разговаривать с вами от лица наследника всего этого. Ходите и ощущайте, что вы в гостях (кстати можно там в одном крыле и пожить)
"Klänge und Visionen von Caravaggio" - jeden Samstag um 11.00 Uhr in der Galleria Doria Pamphilj. Geführte Besichtigung mit auf Originalinstrumenten gespielte Musik aus der Caravaggio's Zeit. Read more
Смотрела работы Караваджо-их три, висят в последнем зале, но высоко и освещение в музее не очень. В остальном музей представляет из себя богато украшенные залы, стены плотно завешены картинами
Tous les samedis 11h00 "Sons et visions du Caravage" propose une visite guidée dans la Galerie Doria Pamphilj avec une exécution musicale, interprétée avec les mêmes instruments utilisés à l’époque. Read more
Ogni sabato alle 11: "Suoni e visioni di Caravaggio" - visita guidata nel Palazzo Doria Pamphilj con musica barocca suonata dal vivo con gli strumenti musicali originali usati al tempo di Caravaggio. Read more
Il “Riposo durante la fuga in Egitto” di Caravaggio e tutta la ricca dote di dipinti ottenuta da Camillo Pamphilj quando abbandonò la porpora per la patata.