Blood on the floor is the best part of the show! Perfect for that 15 min break needed from the hot Florida sun! Definitely a must for golden coasters since this is not in Disneyland!
This is a relaxing show that apparently is only appreciated by some but you don't have to wait until its over to leave, the exits are to the right and you can leave anytime during the show.
This is a classic attraction. All of you people who complain about attractions at Disney need to just enjoy your vacation & what Walt wanted families to enjoy!
The reimagining is probably a good thing. The bears needed the TLC, and the new Disney music seemed like a hit with the crowd. Check it out if you’ve never been, or if you didn’t like it before.
Was looking forward to this attraction since it was taken out of Disneyland. Unfortunately a few minutes in they had technical difficulties and had to cancel it
COMPLETE SNOREFEST. And the stupid deer on the wall kept clicking and clacking every time it blinked or moved its ears. Someone give it some oil! DON'T GO SEE IT.