Upstairs you can choose from a selection of mounted insects and they will frame them for you. They also have a few unmounted specimens for those brave enough to try it (it's really fun)!
Shopping isn’t all about clothes. I love stores that carry unique, bizarre items. With cool rocks and creepy taxidermy, it’s one of the most interesting shops in Soho. -Nina Garcia, Fashion Director
For the extreme scientists and fans of eccentric collectibles. This is like going to a museum where you're allowed, and encouraged, to take the display items home with you.
You can buy astronaut food, stuffed birds and human skulls, but if you don´t need this sort of stuff, you can also acquire insects, shells, or minerals, which are much more common. =P Read more
Fascinating place and completely different than any other store in SoHo, Evolution sells natural history items both cheap and expensive, but always exotic. Read more
A loja perfeita para vc presentear sua namorada com um belo esqueleto de bebês siameses, sua mãe com uma tarântula em acrílico ou seu pai com um crânio autêntico de alienígena. Vem ser feliz.
Черепа, скелеты, всякая ерунда - но хочется купить все! (Человеческие - все копии, чтоб особо нервные за валокордин не хватались). Купите ребенку сборную модель черепа, в конце концов.