I'm starting to think that Outout may be on the way out. Used to enjoy it more. Seems the bros have discovered the place, and bring it down significantly. Too crowded, no room to even dance.
This place is a club. Doesnt belong in Wburg but gives it that push that Brooklyn doesnt have that manhattan does. Tones of people. Hot guys and girls. Music was on point. That soul clap!!!
lines are long and the coat check is sloppy, but the sound and layout are great. worth checking out in a few months once they've worked out all the kinks.
Though the sound system is great and the layout has potential to be awesome, no mass dance party was to be found - attribute it to the unenthusiastic patrons that prefer to mill about instead.
No cameras no pictures!! No reentry! 10 dollar mixed drinks! Everyone's rolling face and dancing to the dirty beats.. Single unisex bathrooms.. AC downstairs keeping it cooler.. Upstairs is hotter
Want to avoid a two hour line to get your coat from extremely obnoxious coat check staff? Buy the cheapest coat from the Salvation Army & leave it there.
Place is nice, be careful for your belongings stuff will steal it. Also at the bar make sure you get the correct change bartenders seems to give out change from smaller bills then they get.
Ladies, be prepared to check your bags...I had to hold my wallet, passport and phone all night. There are worse things in the world, but it's annoying when you're trying to drink and dance, too.