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- First Jazz Night at Yuan, tiny girl singing the old shanghai song!
- Patron Christmas Eve @ Yuan LoungeTop Premium Teqila Patron !
- Andrea PApril 11, 2013Slow service, no cocktail sauce, iPad ordering system is tacky and not necessarily more efficient. Good atmosphere, very chinese centered. Saw a table of popped collars put ketchup on their oysters.
- Drinker Magazine Apr Edition interview, we are Yuan family!
- "元坊周五雷鬼晚派对"Yuan Friday Reggae Afterparty, 12-3am, 100rmb for 2 drinks!DJ Mr. Assin present tonight! 100元两杯特价饮料!喜欢Reggae没有理由!夏日金色皮肤,配上亮丽绚彩服饰,在牙买加民乐摇滚的旋律中不由自主的摇摆!不喧闹不疯狂,有的只有对海风斜阳的冥想,宛如集体催眠般的欢愉,今夜就在元坊!
- 今天下午在元坊即将诞生尊美醇调酒师2013冠军!高手云集,不知谁又能独孤求败!随后的“传奇之夜”将由“冠军调酒师”在元坊带给大家“夺冠一杯”!今晚除了DJ Robin的美妙旋律,更有“女士之夜”的赠饮鸡尾酒一杯,各位潮人们还不微信转起来,在小周末来元坊小聚大欢一番!
- 童鞋们,意大利第一品牌Amaro Montenegro将携手"元"生蚝鸡尾酒吧为大家带来又一场体验,届时Vance Yang & Enrico将会为大家带来精彩的演讲以及特调Montenegro鸡尾酒,喜欢的童鞋赶紧告诉我,7月错过的这次不要再错过了![得意][得意][胜利][胜利][爱你][爱你]
- 周日又到新鲜生蚝到港日啦,法国生蚝、蓝口贝将会于下午抵达,等不及来杯Chablis!Sunday Fresh Oyster will arrive this afternoon, wish the french flight will not delay! Who can miss the Chablis with moving Oyster and blue mussel![色][色][色]
- Yuan 100 BaiJiu Tasting By Derek Sandhaus 由外籍白酒作者Derek主持"元坊"百款白酒品鉴:Different categories have be set at different table! 不同类型的白酒放在不同桌上!The last picture is 3 BaiJiu made in American[惊讶]! 最后那张图是三款美国白酒!
- 法国航班又延误了,今天生蚝、蓝口贝才刚刚送到,等不及来杯Chablis, 吮口浸着圣米歇尔海水的鲜活牡蛎、海蓝青口...[色][色][色]! French flight delay again, fresh oyster just arrive today, who don's miss the Chablis with live Oyster and blue mussel![色][色][色]
- 巴菲特说的人生: 当有人逼迫你去突破自己,你要感恩她,她是你生命中的贵人,也许你会因此而改变和蜕变. 当沒有人逼迫你,请自己逼迫自己,因为真正的改变是自己想改变. 蜕变的过程是很痛苦的,但每一次的蜕变都会有成长的惊喜.
- Yuan "Shaolin House Sunday" from 3pm to 8pm! DJ T.L. Present at coming afternoon! Special offer at 48rmb for all feature drinks! 元坊"周日少林DJ派对"系列,今天下午由DJ T.L.从下午3点到8点现场演绎,所有指定鸡尾酒烈酒葡萄酒均以48元特价回馈!
- 烈日炎炎季,唯有生蚝解千愁!又到"元坊周三生蚝日",买二送一折上折,解暑降温配香槟!Wednesday Yuan Oyster Night again, buy 2 get 1 free, chill out with bubble in the sweating Summer!
- "元坊周一餐饮界夜"招待各位圈内朋友鸡尾酒一杯"!Yuan Monday F&B Industry Night", invite F&B friends to Yuan and enjoy the free a glass of cocktail made by Champion Bartender! Welcome and Toast every Monday!
- 各位媒体广告界达人All Media and Advertising Industry Friends ,to celebrate Yuan Chef Bartender Ted He Win the "Champion" for China Bar Legend Final!Every Monday Free Offer 1 Cocktail for the industy friends!
- 让阴霾天快快走吧,再大的等风雨也挡不住元坊今夜的旋律!5月18日著名DJ Bernar今夜九点在元坊,以音乐释放这一周的阴霾天气!希望下周开始上海的艳阳天![太阳][太阳][太阳]
- 周三晚,就是明天,元坊第一期"葡萄酒品鉴"活动拉开序幕,6:30到7:30pm,本次主题是"当Chablis邂逅生蠔",有兴趣参加的请报名!首期活动免费哦,座位有限,请提前预定:64330538[色]
- Tonight, All Elegant Ladies welcome to enjoy the complimentary wine and bubble at Yuan! Warming up for coming Robin Thursday 樂 Night, most cozy venue in town to experience the east meet west!
- Jan 4th Saturday "Hun Yuan"-by EDAMAME2014-01-03 元坊YuanLoungeLadies and Gentlemen, 2014's 1st Hun Yuan party, every Saturday at Yuan Lounge. Expect an evening fueled with oriental mystery?
- 周三元坊生蠔之夜,各大产区进口生蠔买二送一!Price, Service, Quality all can experienced at Yuan Lounge! Every Wednesday Oyster Night, buy 2 get 1 for all imported Oyster Categories! [色][色][色]
- 元坊周一餐饮圈之夜, Yuan Monday F&B industry Night! 各位业内调酒师销售同事,好机会品尝一下元坊的魅惑面! Complimentary 1 glass of cocktail tonight to meet Yuan's dreaming taste!
- "元坊"周二空姐和模特之夜,今晚首度登场,元坊两位曾空姐曾模特板娘,邀请各位女伶明晚到元坊,免费畅饮葡萄酒起泡酒,18点到22点!小聚点,大欢乐![微笑][得意][鼓掌]
- 小通知,今晚元坊Celine包场,午夜前不对外营业哦!Dear friends, Tonight, Yuan lounge will not open to public before midnight cause Celine event! [抱拳][抱拳][抱拳]
- 周日最新鲜的法国生蚝又到货了,该配哪款酒呢?French Oyster flight just arrive this Sunday afternoon which wine is the best matching?
- "樂"上中秋夜,元坊共赏月,故艺再生辉,西音遇华风! 明晚元坊邀请民间老艺人,及西方音乐人,送上一小块月饼,带回一小个手工编织玩具,温习一下儿时"乘风凉""嘎山胡",邀您共渡中秋![害羞][害羞][害羞]
- Launching Event for Book-The Essential Guide to Chinese Spirits2014-03-17 元坊YuanLounge Join us at 18th of March, 7-9pm, as Derek introduces the long history of baijiu!
- Yuan's Happy Monday - 50% off all night though for all standard drinks! 快乐周一,整晚杯卖酒水半价酬宾-每周一在元坊!
- 哪儿哪儿都是世界杯,元坊不放世界杯!世界杯开始的太晚,先到元坊混一把!本周五晚“混元”派对依旧,DJ Assin 呈现!
- Yuan Thursday Jazz Night launched tonight元坊周四爵士夜晚今晚首发, Jazz Lady present from 9pm,美女爵士歌手带您回到记忆中的老上海!
- 元坊周三生蚝之夜,所有进口生蚝买二送一! Wednesday Oyster Night, buy 2 get 1 free, price, service,quality, you get all!
- Apr.11st Friday HunYuan Party by Edamame4月11日周五混元派对-由DJ Edamame诚献!
- 今晚元坊House Musician Mr.Robin 再次带给您小周末前慵懒奢靡的音乐之旅![悠闲][悠闲][悠闲]
- Yuan New Tiki Cocktail 赤色军团, let's rolling at Reggae Party every Saturday night at Yuan Lounge!