Nice place to sit outside a few blocks from the Sagrada Familia. Prices were cheap, vegetarians be careful, they serve ham/chorizo with the Spanish omelette. Olives were great.
I don't know if it was because we were non Spanish speaking tourists, but it seems that we were treated worse than others. We got dirty glasses, smaller and much worse portion of food
Aunk parezca el típico lugar para turistas (k lo es, al estar al lado d la SFamilia) hay 1 menú aceptable para los no turistas a 1 precio algo caro pero con muchos platos a escoger y d buena calidad.
Чёрная паэлья и сангрия оставляют желать лучшего. А вот креветки и аспарагус гриль - пальчики оближешь. Цены высоковаты из-за соседства с Саграда Фамилиа. Обслуживание быстрое, обстановка так себе.
El inconveniente es la acústica del local. Es imposible mantener una conversación sin gritar en el comedor interior. Ruido exagerado y nada agradable en horas punta