Warung Biru (Wabir) is one of Ica Wuryandari’s Liked Places.

1. Warung Biru (Wabir)

Jalan Tembalang Selatan, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Noodle Restaurant · 3 tips and reviews

Ica Wuryandari S.Ica Wuryandari Sasongko: We have got a new cute puppy boy! Pak Bambang & Mas Aris asked me to give him name and I named him "Coco", remarkable, shoutable, and easily command for a month-old puppy #wuff :3

Last.fm HQ is one of Ica Wuryandari’s Liked Places.

2. Last.fm HQ

207-211 Old Street, London, Greater London
Tech Startup · Southwark · 10 tips and reviews

3. Milan Venesia Boarding House

Jalan Timoho Barat 3 No. 35, Tembalang, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Apartment or Condo · 1 tip

Ica Wuryandari S.Ica Wuryandari Sasongko: Touch down kosan sweet kosan, well the greatest night of my period time, never been this happy. Thank you , bros!

4. The Grey House

Bukit Umbul Barat 1 No. 2, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Apartment or Condo · No tips or reviews