A mishmosh of knick knacks, fashions, and everything else that might end up off the hanger and on the floor. Finding sizes requires a navigation system. Get there on shipment day for real selection.
This tj is one of the most organized out there.. So ppl stop complaining.. 2 things arent on sale cuz this is already a discounted store..and 3 their lines move pretty fast for a tjmaxx..
I usually find what I’m looking for when I come to this store, however, an item is never in the same place when I go back a second or third time to buy it again. Amazing prices and close to home.
Customers can u please stop leaving stuff on the line on ur way to the cashier.. If u dont want it just hand it to the cashier.. This is why tj looks messed up at times cuz u guys dont do ur part!!!
Came for sheets and a pillow no prices on any pillows anywhere, sheets in no order at all. Need a GPS to find the check-out. Shoulda gone to Homegoods across the street.
I wanted to buy a rug that was missing the tag. The associate went to the rug section and brought bag a rug of the same brand that was double the size & likely double the price. Not resolved.
Tip in italiano: grande negozio che vende stock di merce di vario tipo a prezzi abbordabili e anche cosmetici con scatole rovinate a prezzi stracciati. Trovare ciò che si cerca dipende dalla fortuna.
Since its first store opening in 1977, T.J.Maxx has helped customers... maximize what matters most in their lives by offering an ever-changing selection of high-quality, brand name and designer fashions at amazing value...(Show more)