Beer selection is awesome, from local, Danish and English to Czech on draft and all kinds of bottled, you get everything. Nice classic pub interior and atmosphere and quite good burgers.
The selection of beer is beyond ones imagination. Make sure you try something unusual as they always do have beer that you never heard of nor tried before.
Centrally located. Amazing beer options and fantastic whiskey menu, super impressive. Prices vary, but affordable. Quite area available at the back end. Otherwise looks like a Scottish or Irish bar.
Найвялікшы выбар піва! Розьліў і ў бутэльках. Рэкамендую амерыканцаў Stone Brewery) Таксама шмат віскі. Дорага, паесьці лепш у якой кебабнай. Замова ў барнай стойцы. Вайфай.
Grymt utbud på öl o whisky, bra service. Men burgarna är under all kritik, 169kr för en ihop pressad burgare som smakar som ICAs djupfrysta o med formfranska som bröd.