Great place for concerts. A little bit far from Athens. Better use the organizers buses to go back and forth. It will take one hour to get on the main road if with a car.
The Leading pop and rock artists are playing here! Reach out and touch Faith boys and girls! Just, who the fuck thought this awful chips system? 1 hour in an enormous queue to have a beer?
I have to give a high rating to this place since it brings some much great memories. Many downsides (parking, not sufficient evacuation exits, poor food choices) but still the best place 4 summer gigs
It's normal sized. I thought the vip zone was very bad placed. Organization was bad and the big screens were not funtioning well. The Black Keys on the other hand were superb.
Τεράστιος χώρος για συναυλίες! Ωραία ατμόσφαιρα αλλά 100 άτομα ουρά για να πας τουαλέτα απαράδεκτο! Εχανες όλη τη συναυλία! Ας βαζουν και καμία χημική!
Πάνω από μιάμιση ώρα σταματημένοι για να φύγουμε από το P3 μετά τους Black Keys (30/05/2015). Η διοργάνωση βελτιώνεται, αλλά με ρυθμούς χελώνας. Απαράδεκτος ήχος στην ίδια συναυλία