Hass and Associates Accounting Tax Preparation What the New Obamacare Taxes Mean for Your Return We all knew the Affordable Care Act was going to affect more than the type of medical insurance... Read more
Debra Hass & Associates Certified Court and Deposition Reporters: Hotels Nearby - Debra Hass & Associates is located within minutes of O'Hare Airport and Chicago's northern suburbs. Read more
NEED EXPERT ADVICE ON YOUR FINANCES? - They say there is no such thing as free lunch but come and visit any HASS ASSOCIATES ACCOUNTING office, you can schedule an appointment with an Experienced... Read more
Itemized Deductions - Compose a spreadsheet/list summarizing your deductions (Schedule A) if you are planning on itemizing them. Itemized deductions include: medical expenses, personal property[...] Read more
Dependents - If you desire to claim dependents, provide all dependent’s full names (as they appear on their social security card), dates of birth, & social security numbers. [...] Read more
Hass and Associates Accounting Tax Preparation New tax test on foreign takeovers FOREIGN investors face a new hurdle as Joe Hockey declares he will take their tax affairs into account... Read more