A note to all international visitors - google (it's services included), twitter and Facebook are all blocked. So if you're an OCM or have work via google postpone it till after your visit.
Don't take any taxi the person come to you directly, they wear formal attire look pro but SERIOUSLY don't take, all are money suckers. Just go taxi station downstairs, and look for long queuing taxi.
Today's ticket is reserved for any flight due to yesterday's cancellation on heavy rain in BJ. Have to try every flight as many as possible. Not reasonable totally!
AirportFree WiFi is too slow to do anything. it takes more than 30 minutes to move between terminal 1 and 2. When you're in rush, make sure which one is your terminal or you might miss flight.
For coffee Wagas always has a shorter wait than SBucks. Pacific Coffee is past Starbucks doesn't seem to have a wait at all but I like their coffee least of the bunch.
If you wanna head to PVG and you live near hongqiao, you may Wanna try taking the shuttle bus near hongqiao T2. The first bus leaves at 6 am and could get you to PVG before 7!
Want to know how you should see Shanghai? Explore the city in a vintage custome made 1938 motor bike. It's the best way to do it. - Phil Keoghan, Host of "The Amazing Race" Read more
You'll need a phone number to receive access code to wifi. Ask around for someone's number if you don't have a working number, it's a one-time process.
If you have to go to Pudongairport from Hongchao T2. Find the waitting room #2 and take limusine bus #1 to Pudong. it's very cheap and faster than subway.
Why is the English announcements so difficult to understand ??? I know many Chinese locals who have perfect English ... Yet the airport chooses a speaker with bad pronunciation #tiredcrankytraveller
I used to go upstairs for get a taxi instead to get in the queue at arrivals floor. Turns out that there is a security guy who make sure that taxi don't take any client. So be fast and discret.
Smaller than Pudong intl airport,most of flight in this airport are inside flightChina or transit to Guangzhou-or others transit city & fly outside China.
Try to take the first flight of the day for your destination. Especially if it is domestic an many choices. The security inspection is a bottleneck and less people in the morning
The taxi rank outside arrivals is ridiculous. Queue moves fairly fast but goes forever. Pro tip: go upstairs to departures and grab a newly arrived cab from there, you'll get one faster.
Guessing train is on average as fast as plane to Beijing. 5 hour train but less security checks and no check-in. Since planes are always late pretty much evens out.
Very nice and convenient airport with clear directions. You can find some "ok" choices for food eg Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, XiaoNingTang, McDonald's, KFC and Haagen Daz.
If you're coming from Pudong or downtown Shanghai, make sure you don't get off the expressway at the Terminal 1 (original) Hongqiao airport exit. The Terminal 2 exit is further down the expressway.
Flying in from BJ on MU is absolutely terrible. They drop you off at some dark corner just as far as Suzhou, adding some more travel time on top of the usual delay!!!
I bought some local creamy candies at the stand near gate 45, and they were not easy to bite, like stones. And they don't accept international cards to pay, same at food court. Disappointed!