If you're in a hurry, come to this Starbucks for the drive-through. If you're not, come grab a coffee and do some shopping at Banana Republic, Anthropologie, and more!
I've never had an issue here. 1 time I spilt my tea all over the floor. I told them & they offered to replace it without me needing to ask & they mopped up the spill, all with a smile on their face!
Horrible service. My drank just sat at the counter. I told one of the employees that I've been waiting & she just said ok and started making everyone else's drink. Finally another employee foound mine
Christ, this Starbucks is slow as hell, never has stuff in stock, and always screws up the order. How hard is it to make a freakin' unsweetened iced tea??
Find another Starbucks to go to; this location is a prime example of what happens when too many college students with no supervision run a location. Shame because it's in a good location too.