We had some locally brewedbeer, a Gin Weizen, which was very good. There wasn't a huge selection, though - not many cocktails either. Not quite worth the pricing in my opinion.
We got placed, or more like jammed, into a tiny seat and received some arrogant comments which definitely were uncalled for. Now I got a nice place to think of if ever want to feel unwelcomed.
Tramwayla otele giderken hep önünden geçip birgün oturalım diye karar aldığımız ve bu isteğimizi realiteye dökebildiğimiz bir mekan.Yemekler leziz mekan herzaman ki gibi dar.Ama değer konumu çok güzel
Очень простое и недорогое место. Тут чувствуется колорит Амстердама. Еда незамысловатая, но покушать можно. Верха кулинарного искусства ждать не стоит, но зато все быстро и с юмором.