Check out the new Aqua Vision Dive center on the road right outside the Sheraton front gate! Speedboat diving without paying Sheraton Prices and all Sheraton Guests get automatic 10% discount! Read more
Really nice resort, awesome beach. Sunsets are really beautiful. On the beach, 100 meters to the right, there is a nice small thai restaurant with very affordable prices, good for quick lunch
In rainy season, local spicy crab will sometimes show up in public area.. Staff are so kind to run around after it, and drop them somewhere else they belong..Right, coz we are among Man groove forest.
Check out the Aqua Vision Dive center on the road right outside the Sheraton front gate! Speedboat diving without paying Sheraton Prices and all Sheraton Guests get automatic 10% discount! Read more
The plain yoghurt at breakfast is excellent... And ask the chef to make you a fruit smoothie... He'll even add your post-workout protein & creatin if you have it with you!
Nice stretch of beach but a very average property. Poor quality Thai food at Mangosteens, ants everywhere including in our room, aging fixtures & very average service for Thailand. Not recommended.
Viatge de noces al Sheraton Krabi. Recomano menjar fora de l'hotel plats típics al The Terrance i al Sandwich Me. Espectaculars! L'Hotel podria millorar en molts aspectes, sobretot sent 4 estrelles.