For adults the risotto is awesome just ask for a chicken breast on top if you like meat like me. Truly awesomely good! For kids there's this awesome pasta that is sweet to eat yum!
I left for work today thinking if I owned a hotel I would leave Q tips (I was loving their shampoo/ bodywash and shaving cream). Came back from work and voila 'just what I need kit'. #theycanreadminds
I'd be careful, made the mistake of taking a shower barefoot at the hotel and pretty sure i got a plantar wart from it. Left the hotel and the next day happened to notice it on the bottom of my foot
Watch out. they charge you a parking fee even if you dont use the lot. we had 4 rooms and none of us had a car they charged us 2 nights of parking on each room. had to have the fee removed.