A serious hiking trail, quite strenuous, very narrow paths close to the cliff side, lots of steep ascents and descents. Bring good hiking boots, fresh water and a camera - views are spectacular!
The part of the trail closest to monterosso is very steep and narrow. You don't have to wear hiking boots if you prefer greater flexibility in your foot and ankle joints to navigate the path.
Mooie wandelroute, veel ongelijke trappen, redelijk wat schaduw, dus ook te doen bij 25-30 graden. Goed te doen met grotere kinderen. Trek stevige schoenen aan. Neem voldoende te drinken mee.
Este paseo vale mucho la pena pero en verano es complicado. Hay muchas escaleras si no estás en buena condición física piénsalo bien. Lleva tenis, agua y protección solar. Las vistas espectaculares.