Awesome place. The food is tasty and delicious and it looks gorgeous thanks to the chef who's a master in Korean food.The atmosphere is unique, waitresses are polite and the owner is a lovely person.
Interesting food, interesting place. Not so cheap, but worth to try. The noodle soup was great, the other dishes were ok,but i'm not so expert in asian restaurants.
Not recommended. As a Korean, I'm so disappointed with their food. Jeyukbokeum was basically bacon and soup was blend. No where near to authenticKorean food.
저는 한국사람입니다 세계 여러나라를 다녀봤지만 이정도로 한국음식을 잘만드는곳은 별로 없습니다 as a coreean i traveled around the world a lot but this restaurant has the best food in europa very delicios
Bucatarul este expert nu numai in gastronomia coreeana, dar si in cea chinezeasca. In plus, in incinta restaurantului se regaseste si un magazin de ingrediente, semipreparate si ceaiuri coreene