Amazing time. Food prices were surprisingly affordable. The impromptu shows had tons of audience interaction. So much fun. Most places only take cash though and the ATMs had a $4 service fee
Buy your tickets online first, the wait to buy them there is way too long. Once inside though the atmosphere is great. Lots of people in costumes, tons of things to see, and yummy food.
Watch puke and snot!!! They are the best. I keep going to their shows every year, so funny! And leave enough time to travel, the roads can really get backed up. Use your maps to find short cuts!
Go when it's cool, later in the open season. Wear closed toe shoes, not flip flops. And be prepared for rocky terrain and a lot of walking & standing around.
SO many food choices. Take a pass on the smoked turkey legs, look amazing but they're really over-hyped. My faves: Mac'n'Cheese-on-a-stick, King's Baked Potato, Apple Dumpling, and Fried Brownies :P
Check out the Jousting! The food is expensive but well worth it. You can easily spend hundreds throughout the day on food, drinks, souvenirs, and games.
I wasn't really exited to go, but once there I feel in love of everything ! And i mean everything. Riding the elephant was probably the high light of the day !
Hit the ATM before you get there.See if you can buy Tickets from your work...way cheaper.You can buy outfits at for considerably less.Visit the Honey of the best places there.
Bring your own mobile wifi!!! The connection at that place is terrible if not non-existent! I brought CLEAR and although it was intermittent, maybe because of the location, sure beats other carriers.
Not much changed over the passed couple of decades. Lot of cool shows and employees. Lines for drink and food are ridiculous though. Way more crowded than it was a few years ago.