Never seen this Britney at the fuel desk. Bunch of old snooty gals who I feel would rather be at home gossiping about their man as they do it all day at the fuel desk even when the store is filled.
It's sickening to be treated like crap 02:00Hrs If you hate your job go some f'ng place else I work damn hard at my job dont deserve to be treated like crap #platinum #pricegouging @LovesTravelStop
Horrible! and I mean nasty horrible customer (ya that's me the one who spends a shit ton of money here) service! on night shift grave yard. @LovesTravelStop
Conveniently located on I-94 at Exit 9, this Love's Travel Stop... is passionate about providing friendly service, clean facilities, and a modern store stocked with the diesel fuel, gas, food and supplies needed to keep drivers going.(Show more)