What do you know about co-creation? Co-creation allows consumers and firms to work together to create innovative serves. Get involved and bring your piece of the puzzle! (Image: Ekaterina Walter.)
Anyone who's in Nuernberg is welcome to visit this Manufactory when it's open. There will be many unexpected surprises with new Tech and brainstorming ideas. and fine hi tech gifts from Josephs.
You are full of ideas, but how do you know if your idea works? JOSEPHs, the world’s first service manufactory where you can test your business ideas! Click here to see how: Read more
Do you want to be the first who finds out about the latest news and events about JOSEPHs? New tips are waiting you everyday on: https://www.facebook.com/josephs.innovation
Einzigartiger Ort in Nürnberg, wo man alle 3 Monate in einer neuen Themenwelt den ausgestellten Unternehmen als Co-Creator helfen kann, z.B.Produkte die noch nicht marktreif sind weiterzuentwickeln.
Karl-Grillenberger-Str. 3 90402Nürnberg Deutschland