Great! -- warm, nice ambience and decor, good food, extensive menu. Don't be turned off by the 3 flights of corporate stairs you have to go up to get there -- once you're there, it's worth it.
Me and my husband fell in love with this restaurant, best indian food in the world! We tried (which is always our choices) butter chicken and beryani! I recommend it guys! Give it a try!
Chicken tikka marsala was very good. I had it with the basmati rice and garlic naan. I had the lambsamosas for an appetizer. Service was good and decor was nice.
my experiance wasnt pleasurable as everyone else. Took 20 min before my order was taken and took 45 min before it arrived. They made sure my water was full thats about it.
Get delivery or eat in for their tandoori specials. Chana Masala is my personal favorite, along with crispysamosas. Best Indian we've found in Chicago.