One of the best cinemas in Europe. They still have an analogue 70 mm projector in case they need it (Interstellar, Batman). And the sound system here is amazing. 2D>3D.
Do you want to see a film and live the experience of a gigantic scene? This is the right place, most of the movies are in English with Czech subtitles ;)
IMAX canvas has visible defects. Make a reservation for one of the top three rows. The nearby shops in Flora sell blunt weapons in case you don't like people chewing popcorn or smelling of nachos.
Have you seen yourself with these 3D glasses? It's hadrcode! Take a picture of yourself before you return them to terrify your friends 8-) Here is mine.
Určitě nejlepší 3D a to díky aktivním brýlím. Zážitek byl výborný a určitě se sem ještě několikrát vrátím. Ještě přidat zvuk který je u konkurence (premierecinemas) a je to dokonalost.