I'm here on campus now. I teach every Saturday's during the fall 2016 semester in the AviationArts Building in room AA113. Teach real estate practice every Saturday's from 9 am to 12:15 pm
Teaching real estate practice today in AviationArts Building in room AA113. First day of the winter 2017 session. Teaching every Monday and Wednesdays from 7 pm to 10 pm
Here on campus now. 2nd day of The winter 2017 session. Teaching real estate practice in the aviationarts building in room AA113 from 6:55pm to 10:00pm and office hours from 10pm to 11 pm tonight 👍
Today is the last day for fall 2016 semester at Glendale College. Giving a final exam to my real estate practice class. It was a great fall 2016 semester and honor to teach every Saturday's 👍❤️️🤗
Fall 2016 I taught real estate practice every Saturday from 9 am to 12:15 pm in the aviationarts building in room AA113. Today is the last day of class until final exam next week on December 10,2016
If you're lost on what to do with regards to career/majors/etc. and have time to spare, head down to the Career Center over at the San Rafael building and try out their assessment tests!
To avoid paying for parking: coming from 134 towards pasadena take the 2 north, exit mountain make a rt then make another immediate rt go all the way up the hill. park on the first st to the left free
The bathrooms in the cr building are clean. But there is a mystery bathroom on the bottom floor of the library building. It's not in the library. It's next to the faculty services office