Surroundings of the stadium is monumental for sure, view at the city beautiful, however the stadium itself isn't something you should regret not visiting.
Estadi Olímpic de Montjuïc was the main stadium for the Barcelona 1992 Summer Olympics. Its great view of the harbour makes it probably the best place to check-in on Olympic Day.
In the 10k the gold medal came down to D.Tulu (ETH) & E.Meyer (RSA). Meyer led for most of the race but Tulu surged & won.Afterwards each carrying her country's flag joined hands in a victory lap
Mítico estadio de las Olimpiadas 92, ahora sede de Open Camp. Tb hacen conciertos y eventos dnd pueden absorber mucha gente. Correr por su tartán es toda una experiencia.
İlk olarak 1936'da Barcelona'ya verilen olimpiyatlarülkede çıkan iç savaş ve karışıklıklar sebebiyle o yıl Berlin'e alınmıştır. Barcelona 1992 yılında olimpiyatlara bu stadta ev sahipliği yapmıştır.
Als "Anti-Sportler" wollte ich ursprünglich gar nicht hier her kommen. Bin jetzt aber total begeistert, vor allem von der Architektur des gesamten Geländes. Sollte man sich ansehen!
Даже как-то и неловко за наши Лужники. Напоминает то, что нам рассказывали на уроках истории про греческие олимпийские игры: размах, героизм, просторы...
Visita imperdível para quem gosta de esporte. A entrada em parte das arquibancadas é gratuita. Não deixe de visitar o Museu Olimpico, que fica bem próximo ao estádio.