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Elis Hamam

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    Mauricio G.
    "The staff was nice."(2 Tips)
Tips and Reviews icon18 Tips and reviews
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  • Tolga E.heart icon on user image
    Tolga EJanuary 1, 2018
    guys, this is not a typical turkish bath. it is like fast food. bath is very cold inside. u don't have take a "rubbing" and you don't have to leave bath after rubbing. you can sit and wash yourself!
  • CHiara D.
    CHiara DolzaMarch 6, 2014
    Women and men divided, face mask, sauna, towel and Turkish bath arranged for 65 TL. Tea is fluo but it almost looks like a disco drink ;)
  • Ivan R.
    Ivan RamosMay 9, 2013
    Extremly good service. The best value for a Hamam in Turkey. Half the price of Istanbul Hamam's
  • Michael L.
    Michael LianSeptember 26, 2011
    Come at 1.30pm when there are no crowds and you have the place to yourself. Excellent after the walk from the Open-Air Museum.
  • Mauricio G.heart icon on user image
    Mauricio GAugust 1, 2015
    The staff was nice. But I can't recommend this place. Felt icky. Hate to sound like a spoiled tourist but I've been to nice Hamams, this wasn't one. If this is your first hamam don't spoil it.
  • Neslihan F.
    Neslihan FedaioğluNovember 30, 2013
    Shakira kemerlerinizi baglayip kalkisa hazirlanin ( gobek tasi ) 😆😋
  • Poi-point T.
    Poi-point TriwatanaApril 9, 2013
    Funny way to have a treat!!
  • Bengüye Ö.
    Bengüye ÖzakıncıOctober 8, 2011
    Eheh, keseci cook havali
  • Tu B.heart icon on user image
    Tu BaJune 22, 2013
    Maskesiydi saunasiydi hamami havuzu masaji muhteşem gerçekten çalışanlar da bir okadar içten ve sıcak kanlı Teşekkürler elis hamam çalışanlarının emeklerine....
  • Veronica V.heart icon on user image
    Veronica VelazquezFebruary 5, 2016
    Si no he gustan las aglomeraciones, los lugares húmedos o estar al rededor de personas desnudas, este no es un lugar para ti. Si puedes superar todo eso, la experiencia vale la pena.
  • Sümeyye B.heart icon on user image
    Sümeyye BuyrukbilenJanuary 29, 2014
    Been here 10+ times
    herşey muhteşem. maske , sauna , hamam , buhar odası, vee mesaaaaaajjjjjj :))) harikaaaaaa
  • Gözde L.heart icon on user image
    Gözde LapFebruary 27, 2016
    Burda yaptıracagınız kese köpük ve masaj taylanddakilere bin basar
  • Tuğba I.
    Tuğba InanJanuary 24, 2014
    harika bi işletme böyle bi rahatlama yok fiyati ise gayet uygun ;)
  • Tolga E.heart icon on user image
    Tolga EJanuary 1, 2018
    milleti bilmiyor diye acele ettirmenize gerek yok. yeni gelen pis insanları hemen saunaya almak ne demek? yıkanma-sauna-kese-sabun-yıkanma sırasında gider. rahat bırakın insanları. fast fooda dönmüş.
  • Anna Lisaheart icon on user image
    Anna LisaJanuary 3, 2014
    Fate attenzione che le sciure ci vanno giù pesante coi massaggi!
  • Çağatay Ş.
    Çağatay ŞahinFebruary 16, 2014
    Güzel hamam :))
  • İsmail C.
    İsmail CeritJune 2, 2014
    Fiyat nasıl
  • Fatih B.
    Fatih BaydemirOctober 24, 2018
    Vallaha 30 lira değil 10 liraya bile yazık . 5 dk suren kese ve yalandan masaj . Hamama girip çıkmamız 30 dk . Göbek taşına yatmaya izin yok duşa kabin hamamda ne gezer . Havuzun suyu iğrenç
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