If you ask for the espresso with ice cream, make sure you ask for an espresso, otherwise they will do a long coffee. And skip the whip cream. You will end up with a great affogato then! Great place
Really sweet. Fells like u walk in a secret cafe because u need to go through the shop and then through a hidden door. Simple but great coffee and tea! Many locals but waiter can speak english. :)
Super lovely atmosphere. Hidden ambiance. Coffee quite good. I had the fruity one from Papua New Guinea. Comes as an espresso and you add water if you want it as Americano.
Tbh., the coffee and food aren't great. But the place has some old fashioned Charm, being in the back of a tobacco shop, crackly swing playing and old Czech ladies enjoying a smoke with their coffee.
Say "hi" to the vendor and slip to the room just behind him. Sounds crazy but the truth is that the amazing secret coffee shop is hidden there! Even the garden is open in the hot days!
Enjoyable!, we may have been waiting a while to get noticed. But we got to sit and hide from the rain for free, sweet. And even after the bill came I was happy not to be leaving with an empty wallet.
Seems like all locals. The food is good and it's all cheap. If I wasn't told it was there I never would have known the coffee shop in the back existed.
Srdcová záležitost především zimních měsících,kdy promrzlí z procházky po Petřínu můžete rozmrzat v příjemném tluneném světle na některém z křesel nad šálkem svářeného vína nebo džusu a zahrát si hry.
Útulné a pohodové prostředí s milou obsluhou, dobrou kávou, výbornou čokokávou (káva Dobrá trafika), rakvičkama, ... leč bez wifi. Při troše štěstí chytnete signál od sousedů ,)
Točenej 16stupňovej Primátor a k tomu super tousty - nebe na zemi. Navíc fakt cenim neotřelý nápojový/jídelní menu, protože all the small things matter.
Do kavárny Dobrá trafika chodíme za výbornou kávou, vínem i dobrotami k nim. V neposlední řadě nám poskytla útočiště při učení se na státnice, je tu totiž opravdový klid.