Wheatgrass and Pineapple Juice. Fish Tacos. Grilled SalmonFettucini. TunaJalapenoWrap and Egg Benedict. CiabattaTurkey. Cajun Pan Fried Fish. Red Velvet Cake.
I had the cranberry juice which was very good. And for dinner we had gluten free pasta and one carbonara pasta, they both were good. Potions aren't large but we weren't hungry so it was enough.
Very good quiet place - european cosiness with indonesian delicate taste, mostly european cuisine. Rather good choise for vegetarians. Great smoothies!
Кафе неоправданно забытое. Здесь всегда мало народа. Но всегда очень вкусно. Вкусные стейки из рыбы и мяса. Отличные сендвичи и свежевыжатый сок. Отличное место. Прекрасный персонал!
Очень приятное европейское кафе, про которое многие не знают. Очень хороший выбор завтраков, сендвичей и обычной еды. Расположение немного дурацкое, но место того стоит.
Opened in 2001 as a compliment to DIJON, the Cafe DIJON Bali... is a favorite spot for those who are in a rush and need a quick meal and those who want to hang around and chat, or use wi fi and work.(Show more)