If you're into recycling you'll like Buffalo. They buy and sell young, cool clothes and usually have a good variety of woman's and men's clothes. They don't tend to have a huge shoes selection though.
The best costume store for the price and the quality. Also if you dig through the clothes a bit, you will find some expensive designers' clothes as well.
Don't plan on trying to sell clothes here unless they're name brand or very unique. The buyers tend to be very picky with their selection as so many people try to sell their clothes.
Don't bother attempting to sell clothes. Why wait in a long line to have a bag full of clothes rejected? They are EXTREMELY picky, so if you aren't a super hipster, don't bother.
New & Recycled Fashion®. Current trends, jeans, designer... and vintage at a bargain. Buy, sell or trade your clothing for cash or store credit on the spot!(Show more)