Sculptures on street, galleries, unique shops , best coop, dance studio , theatre ,lovely waterfront , efficient recycling , creative community,one & only Jane Sanford
Maine 37 yrs ago.Built a wooden house, a straw bale house, cabins, a sauna , vegetablegardens,sang with Raging Grannies,stands on st. Corner with peace signs to save the world. Jane = Mom on phone ❤
Not only do they have 24hr gas stations (critical on long overnight drives) but when we stopped for directions, I swear we dealt with Officer Friendly himself! #notsnarkinghere
Belfast is located at the mouth of the Passagassawakeag River... estuary on Penobscot Bay, Belfast is the county seat of Waldo County, and as of the 2010 census, the city population was 6,668(Show more)